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Impossible kill Super bosses?

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Since the lastest patch was updated. Noone can kill any super bosses, such as FA or Tulla.


About Tulla, Comp skill now is useless. Characters' hp < 1000 die with one skill of tulla( include malee char). If GM set COMP useless pls set boss without regen hp.


Im looking for ur idea and GM's consideration.

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Totally agree ! and no one is killing Tulla now since its too hard >.<

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


no one can kill boss  compulsion got fixed  ???

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


no one can kill boss  compulsion got fixed  ???

Care to read ???

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


So you need to work together?


I can honestly say on one hand I'm glad compulsion won't work as it did before, no more silly luring FA away through the dungeon -,-

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


no one can kill boss  compulsion got fixed  ???

Care to read ???



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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


So you need to work together?


I can honestly say on one hand I'm glad compulsion won't work as it did before, no more silly luring FA away through the dungeon -,-


So it's impossible to kill it. Unless it's all about tankers and rangers (I don't know how big is the bosses range, don't know if they'd kill automechs or archers)


Boss skill, tanker hold on, meeles die, boss HP regen due to player's death~

All tankers, boss skill, all hold on. All tankers, all low damage. Boss natural regen~

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I don't quite understand what you're saying.

Are you saying it's a bad thing that now we need Mechs to go pure health in order to tank and others do the damage, basically...are you trying to say it's a bad thing that now boss-hunting requires defined roles with team work in order to be successful? Cause that's what it sounds like and personally I see that as what MMORPG's are usually about.


._. Unless I'm missing something here?

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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~

buddy.have u ever hunting boss? No?

Mech with pure heath?Hell yeah.it is always like this.

Mech need attrack super boss?Hell NO.

Mech job is TANK.he does not need to do any damage on super.boss.

As and another meele will carry out this job.


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Did I mention mech?

Did I say "solo" or something?


Excuse me, but I guess you need to read that again.

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its true super bosses are impossible to kill. back then it was possible because mech can comp it, making it impossible for others to die. now that boss is no longer able to get comped it kills everyone. we should take out boss DEATH regen because now mostly everyone will die non shop. boss deah regen is useless if u think about it. whats the point of putting it on when 1 death = 30% and it takes forever to kill. there will always be a few that dies even if everyone tries to work together. atleast 1 or 2 will not be able to tank it, wasting others time

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Ah now I get what you were talking about, he explained it much clearer.

I didn't mean any offense by it, it's just the way you were talking about it confused me.


It';d be nice if all your replies weren't so hostile towards questions... :|

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the diference now is;


1) Super Bosses have Amazing AOE (Can kill even Mages using Death Ray)

2) We cant "bug" compulsion (Mech) anymore, so ALL MEELES have to tank because of nº 1

3) Archers / Atalantas doesnt take any damage if there is someone tanking them...


so all meeles need build with HEALTH now... or they cant tank... (We see that on Prince / Tulla)


Then we go for what Gogg Says.... Alot of Health = Low Damage  // Low Damage = Natural Regen // Someone w/o Health on Build = DEAD = Regen HP...


It´s hard to kill, but not impossible.... just need to be more organized and put health on build... what takes way more time to kill, since they HP was increased too..



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Haha funny


Now to try the boss you need a pure tanker full of vitality

But you can't kill it, because vitality means low attack power, and high attack power means no vitality, wich means instant death


HAHAHAHAHAHA awesome! Super well planned, as always~


I got it at the 1st time  ;D and I was confused why others understood differently and ...... But well, at least now everybody are in the same boat!!!! WE hate and not support the changes in Super Bosses  8) 8)

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This boss super powers are due to a fvcked up market, too much drops, that's why they made it a lil impossible to kill, i read that somewhere..

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Stop whining , super boss are meant to be like this, I told 3R this compulsion bug few months ago when Tulla was first launched , this patch should have implemented way earlier


Look at the market now, cheap 124 items cheap Tulla amulet


Anyway you should glad you can exploit it when it was bugged


Tulla should be a boss thats hard to defeat, and bombs should of kill all, pure strength build is way underrated to kill boss anyway, what's the logic anyway, if you have such low hp, 1000-1200, to tank a super boss, what's super about it? Call it stupid noob boss for noobs


If you want the old Tulla boss, I suggest they put the drop rate to 1% to 0.05% and new Tulla 20%-30% for good drops

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Stop whining , super boss are meant to be like this, I told 3R this compulsion bug few months ago when Tulla was first launched , this patch should have implemented way earlier


Look at the market now, cheap 124 items cheap Tulla amulet


Anyway you should glad you can exploit it when it was bugged


Tulla should be a boss thats hard to defeat, and bombs should of kill all, pure strength build is way underrated to kill boss anyway, what's the logic anyway, if you have such low hp, 1000-1200, to tank a super boss, what's super about it? Call it stupid noob boss for noobs


If you want the old Tulla boss, I suggest they put the drop rate to 1% to 0.05% and new Tulla 20%-30% for good drops


OMFG, i agreed with you, kill me now.

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Bosses aren't suppose to be easy to kill


now all super bosses have regen hp it's perfect :D

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It';d be nice if all your replies weren't so hostile towards questions... :|


That made me lol ;D

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