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for staff.. just a question

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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?



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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?

i dont get it?

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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?


i agree of this.. coz someone (kiddo) tryin to fill nonsense topic and comment in this RPT forum...



i think bliind wants to make everyone can unable,disable  or remove, hide comment in your own thread... to prevent  someone want to spam in ur own topic...

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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?


whos that people ?? i kill him  ;D ;D


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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?


whos that people ?? i kill him  ;D ;D


See what you guys are doing? He is thinking about suiciding now....


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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?


whos that people ?? i kill him  ;D ;D


See what you guys are doing? He is thinking about suiciding now....


i go suicide npw bida but before i suicide i kill bliind  :(

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waiting for staff to answer thank you


dami mo alam hahaha

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your friend spam a lot ,you ignore , blind , others spam ,you care and hate .


though i hate them both .

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im fine with that he is going to kill himself:D


but dude, its pretty hard to ignore a big spammer in YOUR own post. its hard to see and ignore it. coz of the crap that comes out.

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move this topic to garden of free.....


yes move it  8)

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i think GM not argee with ur idea bliind.


no agree no agree no agree  8)

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well for few weeks there have been 1 spammer who spam all post here at forum with his non sense post..


do i have to put his name on? or everyone knows it already


well the question is.. is it possible that when i open a topic.. i can ban " that particular someone " to not able to post at my thread?


u want u can banned? of course u banned me bcoz u hate me hahahah

and ur not gm to banned player ur post is for all so we can reply  8)

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it's never happen

make your topic and locked it after have only your post

it's can...

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I've sent several reports and still see nothing done about that.


On the other hand I see a lot more done to who did a lot less than it. If that even was something to be moderated at all.


Report function is useless, or else is a totally ignored tool, for sure.

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Honestely, I don't know what is more childish, the guy who spam non sense posts or someone create a topic to ask someway to exclude him.

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Not really, but you can add him to your ignore-list.

It can be found here: http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=lists;sa=ignore;u=38


However, if you feel like he is spamming then feel free to use the "Report to Moderator" button, and I will take a look on it :)


thank you kenni next time ill do that and please do take some action coz its not just only who got anoyed by this particular person.. as you can see in the earlier post.. you may have notice it already..


ill close it now..

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