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Lag Abuse for Exping? for what?

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why don't we shutdown the server when it lag?

Why do we punish people but server?

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The point is not lagging. * I think *


The point is: You can easily bot and say you were lagged. That's why ppl like these must be punished. And as dohkito said, good internet connection is not required for this game.


dont believe in dokity

he not have experience got lag same as vn player like me


and in topic said only lag abuse

no any for boting prove..

u can see bida & luizink pt with bot and bot say solo? also have SS


I played priston tale yer ago with 500kbp/s connection, i really can't belive your connection is lower than this.


He said solo after some minutes only.

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ohkito link=topic=70338.msg443769#msg443769 date=1352483402]

"pls trust me" it's not a valid argument, sir.  :-\


all should trust who said the real happening

should trust who have lag experience


and not trust lagger whom protect themself

and not trust hater whom use emotional for only destroy as them need


I see no point in keep discuting it if the reported player were the one who gave the proofs that were lagging on purpose.

Plus, as I said, it is not between me and viets, it is about a game exploiting. Stop to use game rivalry as an excuse to refuse the TRUTH.



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The point is not lagging. * I think *


The point is: You can easily bot and say you were lagged. That's why ppl like these must be punished. And as dohkito said, good internet connection is not required for this game.


dont believe in dokity

he not have experience got lag same as vn player like me


and in topic said only lag abuse

no any for boting prove..

u can see bida & luizink pt with bot and bot say solo? also have SS


I played priston tale yer ago with 500kbp/s connection, i really can't belive your connection is lower than this.


He said solo after some minutes only.


yes believe it ,it's happen when in lagging

i play pristontale a lot sever with 10-15 year...


500000 bp/s is a lot

i have experience to play with my old connection

65k i am begin to play first pt in sever same my country is still lag

next 125k still lag for server in country

next 256k have well for server in country ,in foreign still lag


after big change my internet system in country

next 1000k  can play all pt server got some lag

next 2000k-8000k ....very good


but it's up to your upload steam for play pt

if u have high download steam but low upload steam, u still got lag


in poor country upload steam is very low

now my upload steam 0.7-1.0Mb/s and download steam 5-8Mb/s

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ohkito" post="443803" timestamp="1352485596"]

ohkito link=topic=70338.msg443769#msg443769 date=1352483402]

"pls trust me" it's not a valid argument, sir.  :-\


all should trust who said the real happening

should trust who have lag experience


and not trust lagger whom protect themself

and not trust hater whom use emotional for only destroy as them need


I see no point in keep discuting it if the reported player were the one who gave the proofs that were lagging on purpose.

Plus, as I said, it is not between me and viets, it is about a game exploiting. Stop to use game rivalry as an excuse to refuse the TRUTH.




the justice can wrong

and the next same justice still wrong...


and dont said it's game exploiting

because internet connection is not fault by any player


and dont try to said all lag player is cheater or exploitor

because it not real and not fair for all who got lagging

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Wich part of "he gave to us the proofs that he were lagging on purpose" you can not understand?


Seriously, you just can not be so blind...

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To be honest, these laggers only gain exp due to a development failure on Ice Meteorite.



Every skill on the game is client sided, you need to target some monster, or, you need to right click somewhere, like Mage Diastrophism. If your skill hit someone on your computer, then this will be send to the server (server is responsible on handling monsters actions, hp, etc) or to the other player (if pvp). In these cases, if youre lagging and you cast dias, or whatever skills that doesnt require targeting, on your pc you dont have any monster on your screen, so, nothing will be sent to the server. It's like a client check, before sending damage to the server.


But, what happens is: Ice meteorite is handled directly by the server, you can even notice, if your game lags, lost connection or even DC, Ice Meteorite will be casted, but no meteores will fall, unlike any other skill, you can keep casting Dias and see its graphics effects when you DC.


Ice Meteorite bypass client check if your skill hitbox indeed hit some monster. It's all calculated on the server, unlike every other skill.


And somehow, if the player is extremely lagged, but it seems that it can keep a connection that sends the information to the server that Ice Meteorite is being cast, so its why the lagger gain EXP, kill mobs, even if on his computer, he doesnt take any HP damage, but indeed kill invisible mobs without any meteor falling on the caster pc. Yes, a lagger wont see his meteorites.



I don't know why Wartale developed this skill like this... This leak lead us to these exp services lag abusing. Also Divine Force, another Priest t5 skill is handled by the server. I can't heal anyone on my party if my computer is lagging, but if i cast Divine Force, the party members will receive the buff.


Divine Force buff work exactly as Ice Meteorite. Priestess cast the skill, info is sent to the server, the monsters are handled by the server, so, damage is done to them. In case of Divine Force, info is sent to the server, and them, server reply with buff accordingly to the info sended by the caster, like, it x y z position and party members, so the server will cast divine force to everyone that is in his party and near the caster.




Funny thing is, how can you lag, doesnt see monsters, high delay, doesnt take hp damage, and still the server receives and send back these infos, exp and etc?

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why don't we shutdown the server when it lag?

Why do we punish people but server?


Shutdown the server when it lag?

Server is not lagged... VN is/was.

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also with low spec computer can make in lagging..


am i said poor family from poor country easy to got lag

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To be honest, these laggers only gain exp due to a development failure on Ice Meteorite.



Every skill on the game is client sided, you need to target some monster, or, you need to right click somewhere, like Mage Diastrophism. If your skill hit someone on your computer, then this will be send to the server (server is responsible on handling monsters actions, hp, etc) or to the other player (if pvp). In these cases, if youre lagging and you cast dias, or whatever skills that doesnt require targeting, on your pc you dont have any monster on your screen, so, nothing will be sent to the server. It's like a client check, before sending damage to the server.


But, what happens is: Ice meteorite is handled directly by the server, you can even notice, if your game lags, lost connection or even DC, Ice Meteorite will be casted, but no meteores will fall, unlike any other skill, you can keep casting Dias and see its graphics effects when you DC.


Ice Meteorite bypass client check if your skill hitbox indeed hit some monster. It's all calculated on the server, unlike every other skill.


And somehow, if the player is extremely lagged, but it seems that it can keep a connection that sends the information to the server that Ice Meteorite is being cast, so its why the lagger gain EXP, kill mobs, even if on his computer, he doesnt take any HP damage, but indeed kill invisible mobs without any meteor falling on the caster pc. Yes, a lagger wont see his meteorites.



I don't know why Wartale developed this skill like this... This leak lead us to these exp services lag abusing. Also Divine Force, another Priest t5 skill is handled by the server. I can't heal anyone on my party if my computer is lagging, but if i cast Divine Force, the party members will receive the buff.


Divine Force buff work exactly as Ice Meteorite. Priestess cast the skill, info is sent to the server, the monsters are handled by the server, so, damage is done to them. In case of Divine Force, info is sent to the server, and them, server reply with buff accordingly to the info sended by the caster, like, it x y z position and party members, so the server will cast divine force to everyone that is in his party and near the caster.




Funny thing is, how can you lag, doesnt see monsters, high delay, doesnt take hp damage, and still the server receives and send back these infos, exp and etc?


i dont know about why u sure in how prs skill work


at begining line on your post u said it because develop fail happen

and my question is player whom dont know how skill meteor work like u

play with this skill and got ban


do u think it' fault of them?


and why dont try to fix that skill? before go punish player(both know & dont know how secret in skill)

is it fair? for all ban this case player?


example if u remember skill mech have bug

implusion can kill in 1 hit(and i saw all mech use it in BC)

u will ban all mech in BC?


and precision skill have over power 125 kill 13x-14x fs easy

how in history were fix?


this if u reason is true

i can said in another reason if that is false too


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why don't we shutdown the server when it lag?

Why do we punish people but server?


Shutdown the server when it lag?

Server is not lagged... VN is/was.


yes server cant be shutdown if lag or not

i said when am in joke..

maybe he think it can , i am sorry for my word if it's make someone wrong understand

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To be honest, these laggers only gain exp due to a development failure on Ice Meteorite.



Every skill on the game is client sided, you need to target some monster, or, you need to right click somewhere, like Mage Diastrophism. If your skill hit someone on your computer, then this will be send to the server (server is responsible on handling monsters actions, hp, etc) or to the other player (if pvp). In these cases, if youre lagging and you cast dias, or whatever skills that doesnt require targeting, on your pc you dont have any monster on your screen, so, nothing will be sent to the server. It's like a client check, before sending damage to the server.


But, what happens is: Ice meteorite is handled directly by the server, you can even notice, if your game lags, lost connection or even DC, Ice Meteorite will be casted, but no meteores will fall, unlike any other skill, you can keep casting Dias and see its graphics effects when you DC.


Ice Meteorite bypass client check if your skill hitbox indeed hit some monster. It's all calculated on the server, unlike every other skill.


And somehow, if the player is extremely lagged, but it seems that it can keep a connection that sends the information to the server that Ice Meteorite is being cast, so its why the lagger gain EXP, kill mobs, even if on his computer, he doesnt take any HP damage, but indeed kill invisible mobs without any meteor falling on the caster pc. Yes, a lagger wont see his meteorites.



I don't know why Wartale developed this skill like this... This leak lead us to these exp services lag abusing. Also Divine Force, another Priest t5 skill is handled by the server. I can't heal anyone on my party if my computer is lagging, but if i cast Divine Force, the party members will receive the buff.


Divine Force buff work exactly as Ice Meteorite. Priestess cast the skill, info is sent to the server, the monsters are handled by the server, so, damage is done to them. In case of Divine Force, info is sent to the server, and them, server reply with buff accordingly to the info sended by the caster, like, it x y z position and party members, so the server will cast divine force to everyone that is in his party and near the caster.




Funny thing is, how can you lag, doesnt see monsters, high delay, doesnt take hp damage, and still the server receives and send back these infos, exp and etc?


i dont know about why u sure in how prs skill work


at begining line on your post u said it because develop fail happen

and my question is player whom dont know how skill meteor work like u

play with this skill and got ban


do u think it' fault of them?


and why dont try to fix that skill? before go punish player(both know & dont know how secret in skill)

is it fair? for all ban this case player?


example if u remember skill mech have bug

implusion can kill in 1 hit(and i saw all mech use it in BC)

u will ban all mech in BC?


and precision skill have over power 125 kill 13x-14x fs easy

how in history were fix?


this if u reason is true

i can said in another reason if that is false too


Yeah, my lines are correct, ice meteorite is coded wrongly, its common sense that you shouldn't receive exp for monsters that you can't even see.


People should get banned for more common sense, you dont see monsters, you dont take damage, but you also receive exp, this is  defined clearly by bug / lag abuse. Its common sense that you shouldn't abuse this.



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is it right sulution?


if u right with skill meteor work...

it's still cant ban player whom dont know anythink(only play)

it's easy to fix skill than find all of priest in server in all map and ban them


and if that true

responsibility of develop stuff is?

go make trustly anouncement or notice about this skill

and tell all why this priest or any priest will got ban if use meteor skill while lagging





u said in theory that priest meteor in lagging still benefit

but i use priest for level up my another char from 11x-13x

and my experience told me that exp got very slow when my priest are in lagging...

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once again.

you can check their defense pic .you got answers .they dont lose hp while killing ,just need to repotion mana and stm . that is it .and they got exp also .

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truth be told..


not matter what all been said..


they showed there ping.. and admited to pplaying while dling to cause the lag. anf knew what was causing it..


and after ceh had to stop playing till he ping was ok,,


so they knew why they was lagging anf knew it wasnt right!!


it just a matter of right and wrong...


its one thing to just have that kinda lag... like you really should get kicked from game with it..


but to create it yourself.. and play is WRONG!!

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once again.

you can check their defense pic .you got answers .they dont lose hp while killing ,just need to repotion mana and stm . that is it .and they got exp also .


u cant looking on only picture and imagine what is happen


1 it's easy with no lose hp with good skill good build(good abs& def) or in laging(no any server respond return)

2.repotion is in client side u can pot all time while u lag until u got too many dmg or too many crit from server respond return repot is nothing

3.sure when server respond return them got dmg & got die & got exp also


u will know how all if u have real experience in lagging, i said is true

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No one cares about your excuses Qman, no one.


If we spot lag abusing, we're gonna report, regardless of their and your excuses. And hope they get banned, again, regardless of their and your excuses, like they're getting banned atm.



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truth be told..


not matter what all been said..


they showed there ping.. and admited to pplaying while dling to cause the lag. anf knew what was causing it..


and after ceh had to stop playing till he ping was ok,,


so they knew why they was lagging anf knew it wasnt right!!


it just a matter of right and wrong...


its one thing to just have that kinda lag... like you really should get kicked from game with it..


but to create it yourself.. and play is WRONG!!


ceh stop because lag is not benefit

exp per time is very slow

why he stop if lag abuse can use and have anythink good..in exping ?


when lagging also very hard to play, very annoying

u can die easy because cant control when server respond will back to them


the play is not wrong

because the player whom lagging still try to play and need level up same all player


totally all whom lagging dont like lag in exp

it's not any reason for use lag abuse in exp map

it's not benefit if u got exp very slow...

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No one cares about your excuses Qman, no one.


If we spot lag abusing, we're gonna report, regardless of their and your excuses. And hope they get banned, again, regardless of their and your excuses, like they're getting banned atm.


i dont care no one too

that your wording is nothing to me


i interest only in what truth what ture and what real


i will find them and told to all without any personal(anti or agree)

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lmao... ceh STOPPED.. because GM told him and temped banned him for lag abuse...


he couldnt play till he had a good ping.. he was banned also for lag abuse..


just the first... now it being watched.,lag abuse isnt not fair to those of us.. who get dced, with 1000 ping!!!


lag abuse is lag abuse is lag abuse... now it being watched for!!!! PERIOD!!


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lmao... ceh STOPPED.. because GM told him and temped banned him for lag abuse...


he couldnt play till he had a good ping.. he was banned also for lag abuse..


just the first... now it being watched.,lag abuse isnt not fair to those of us.. who get dced, with 1000 ping!!!


lag abuse is lag abuse is lag abuse... now it being watched for!!!! PERIOD!!


Com'on that not matter

it's easy to training in undead map by priset class without lag abuse

why do u think whom lag is benefit?


i dont need lost many time for lost any exp rate

in exping map that my char easy to tank and to kill

am i said right? go on common reason first...


after that

go on stop thinking..

lagger = vietnam

no lagger = brazil & else

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I dont care whos doing it..


VN,BR,Martions,Black,White,Green, Purple,Whatever...


Lag abuse is lag abuse.. and besides... admitting Dling that caused it and knowing it is ABUSE..


Even said if i they wasnt DLing.. they wouldnt lag like that.. SO yea its lag abuse..

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