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R.I.P Hostess (Twinkies / Hohos / Wonder Bread and others)

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hostess isn't going anywhere, the name is too valuble and theres too many jobs at stake x_x

worse case scenario, if hostess/union doesn't come to an agreement, they will be bought out and the products will continue same name different owner


the day after the news i happened to go grocery shopping and the hostess shelves were bare lol...the mass hysteria over the current twinkie shortage is pretty funny...look at ebay and the price of a box of twinkies xD

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The union contacted Hostess and said "Lets get a deal done." They want to keep the company alive and kicking.

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they are actually going under...


they are done now!!


but my thoughts once its over someone will by the recipes and the names!


will be able to get em much cheaper...lol


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