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yesterday i changed my knight build, so i put Divine Shield lvl 10 and Holy Body lvl 4 ( i'll put lvl 10 when i get 132 xD), but BORG told me to put Holy Body lvl10 first, then put divine shield lvl10, and others ks told me we (ks) don't use holy valor a lot so its better to put in holy body.


soo... what you guys say?


PS: BiDa told me Divine Shield are bugged, the skill don't drain the HP. and i ask myself the 4% block boost are bugged too or just the hp drain?


sorry for my bad english :P

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Holy Valor add attack power with undead , Holy Valot + Buff tier 5 = 126% Vs undead,


Holy Body i never used , i think better is Devine shield because convert damage of undead in HP , holy body is abs vs udead.

i think better is

Holy Valor lvl 10

Devine Shield lvl 10 because Godly Shield automatically activates properties of Divine Shield.


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so Godly Shield actives all properties? even the hp drain?


and about the bug?


Ty :)

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so Godly Shield actives all properties? even the hp drain?


and about the bug?


Ty :)


just block.


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What i can say is:


Devine Shield HP absorb from Undeads is not working, and i've did a Bug Report about it, http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=70158.0


I'm not sure about Devine Shield additional Block. I'm not sure if it works using Devine Shield or if its really chain when using Godly Shield.


My opinion is, you should level up Holy Body 10 - because it adds a wonderfull 33% damage reduction against undeads. Coupled with Godly Shield, you gain 53% reduced damage against a undead.


Holy Valor have a problem - it only works with 1v1 Attacks. So, Brandish, SoJ or any other AoE / Splash skill wouldn't benefit from Holy Valor. If you're leveling solo on AD maps or wanna tank Prince at HG - go for Holy Body.


But Holy Valor 42% additional damage against undeads is wonderfull when you're hunting, like, Undead Party Quest.



Many Knights use Holy Body on Undead Party Quest, but i kinda use only Holy Valor. I preffer lot more attack damage than tanking better at Undead Quest. Using Holy Valor against them is pretty noticeable, its really a high damage boost increase, but also Holy Body is noticeable, i can tank 8~10 hits without potting, at same time with Holy Valor i can tank only 3 hits.

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LoSt°PiKe[] link=topic=70860.msg446486#msg446486 date=1353336997]

Holy Valor add attack power with undead , Holy Valot + Buff tier 5 = 126% Vs undead,


Holy Body i never used , i think better is Devine shield because convert damage of undead in HP , holy body is abs vs udead.

i think better is

Holy Valor lvl 10

Devine Shield lvl 10 because Godly Shield automatically activates properties of Divine Shield.


true story


Krika, i'm afraid but it's not a totally true story, beacause...


Devine Shield HP drain is bugged and it doesnt work

And what Godly Shield is supposed to chain is just Devine Shield Block

Also if you're planning to go AD, there is no doubt that Holy Body is way better, since Holy Valor doesn't work on AoE / Splash skills




I have one bro, but i'm saving that purple skill stone to when Wartale release a patch with Double Crash improvments D: If i manage to get another on HG, i'll give to you

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If your below 128, Holy Valor is a waste of skill points.

My way to use my knight is the following..


Note1: All builds have SM, DVS, GC, GS, GB and UB lvl 10

Note2: The ''128 and above builds'' >> Till you reach 132 one of the skills is 8-9 instead of 10


Below 128:


ET quests using GC, DS (HV or HB not necessary)

AD1/2 using Brandish, HB (HV only works with 1 vs 1, so HB)

Valento: GC, HB


HB got the amount of skillpoints left after everything else.


128 and above Build 1


ET quests using GC, DS, (HV or HB not necessary)

IM quets using GC, HV or HB (personal preference)

Valento/HG: GC, HB


HV and HB both 10


128 and above Build 2


ET quests using GC, DS (HV or HB not necessary)

IM quets using GC, HB

AD1/2/3 using Brandish, HB(HV only works with 1 vs 1, so HB)

Valento/HG: GC, HB


HB 10

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i didnt see any bug on the devine shield  or godly shield both work prefectly  even with 2 handed

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I think d4rk was trolling.


i didnt see any bug on the devine shield  or godly shield both work prefectly  even with 2 handed

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