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LoStºPiKe Build Guide

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LoStºPiKe Build Guide




My Skill build


Ice Attribute = Lvl 10 Add Ice Resistance 45.


Vanish = Lvl 10


Critical Mastery = Lvl 10


Chain Lance = Lvl 10



Assasin's Eye = Lvl 10


Charging Strike = Lvl 10


Vague = Lvl 10


Shadow master = Lvl 7


#Build For Pike's 130+

(120+ can follow guide too)


My Jump Crash lvl 1 and Ground Pike too because i have Tornado lvl 10 to EXP,  to PvP put Jump Crash lvl 10 , but in 140 u can make Jump Crash lvl , and Tornado or Ground Pike lvl 6 is ur choise.


My Stats Build


Strength: = All ur points


Spirit: =75 or 85 depends ur shelton stats

I Use 85 Spirit

Talent: = 110 or 115 it help in CL hits alot (but normal is 100 in talent to scythe lvl 116 120 124)

I Use 100 Talent

Agility: = 100 or 110 this will increase your atk rtg(normal is 68 or 70 depends ur boots stats)

I Use 80 Agility

Health: = 25 or 30 make ur choise

I Use 25 Health


U can use this stats build for pvp and hunt only is deal.


For EXP make normal stats build

Stats to EXP


Spirit: 64 or 72 depends ur rings

Talent: 100 in talent

Agility 68 or 70 max 72 depends boots stats

Health: 25


Skill I said the same as above.


Some tactics of X1




- Aways using Vague and Vanish

- Assassin Eye

- 2x HP

- Charging Strike + Shadow Master = 10 strong and fast hits (5 or 6 are aways critical) (ya it looks a crazy idea but believe me it rly works, and don't worry about the long animation... ur enemy simply won't keep attacking you all the time w/o use potions)

- 1 hp (optional), and Jump

- Chaim Lance / hp


^ ya this tatic works with low hp but not low enough to die ;)


Deal Now


Vs Knight

First you should be using Vague and Vanish , after you or your opponent count , use Assasin Eye , start using the x1 Chain Lance and Jump Crash(if you have this lvl 10) , expect your opponent to use 2 hand to use Charging Strike and Shadow Master , if he does not use, use Ice Vanish Assing Eye Jump Crash(if you have this lvl 10) Charging Strike and Shadow Master (will be normal because your opponent cry you used ice , but fawk if skill is to use)


Vs Fighter

Simple, all Fighters start PVP using Roar and DT and alot AvC(Avening Crash) , wait this nab Fighter hit u alot , use Ice + Vanish , Jump Crash(if you have this lvl 10) + Chain Lance and Shadow Master.


Vs Mech

I hate this class, afraid class alot shield maybe fear  :), you have to have lots of patience,Ice dont work 100% vs mech shit , use alot Assasin Eye Vanish Jump Crash(if you have this lvl 10) , Charging Strike + Shadow Master and more Chain Lance , mech is not immortal , however careful he may kill you with 2 or 3 skill

using 1 hand  ;D

However if he uses 2 hand is an opportunity to attack with Charging Strike and Shadow Master.


Vs Rangers

My favorite PvP  :-* , Vs archer deal is she count :D so you can attack with Charging Strike and Shadow Master dont forgotte Assin Eye  :P. But if you count not attack beginning with Charging Strike or you can die easily xD

Best is use Jump Crash and Shadow Master and alot Chain Lance , same vs Atalanta.




Doubts and Critique welcome.

Suggestion also welcome.


Soon I will put some more different builds for pvp , I know many builds Pike :D



(o_0) byEE BYEE



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gogogo make a sugestion topic to sandurr

pike need a boost urgently

-cs original atack power(55%+165% full charge)

-vanish original (100 % damage boost)

-cl add 60%~80% atack raiting like Grand cross of knight

-venon spear working on PvP

- and others.... :P :P :P



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gogogo make a sugestion topic to sandurr

pike need a boost urgently

-cs original atack power(55%+165% full charge)

-vanish original (100 % damage boost)

-cl add 60%~80% atack raiting like Grand cross of knight

-venon spear working on PvP

- and others.... :P :P :P

Yes i have suggestion for SB in Pike


I ill post later :D

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Post it now hev  :P ... Don't forget to put emphasis on the "Charging Striker" for PS. That would be the most important one  ;)

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Post it now hev  :P ... Don't forget to put emphasis on the "Charging Striker" for PS. That would be the most important one  ;)




You my suggestion for Pike :D you read ^^



i ill post it now :D

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Red color is my suggestion to SB in Pike.










(o_0) bb


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yes  :)

but some skills are outdated

-tornado now have 80% damage boost

-venon spear now is 180% damage of you weapon

-vanish now is 40% damage

-charge strike now is 60% dmage+ 120% full charged

-shadow master now do 80% damage

take a lock on it  ;)


thx for reading


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Im posting this with a friends account, dont like posting with my own account.


Shadow master is way stronger then charging strike, charging strike is to be honest really useless in pvp.


Spirit should be 64 for boss set 1 donate

Health 25 ( base )

Talent 90 ( for the items )

Agilty ( for your bracelets 120 or 124 ). I have 120 bracelets 81 agilty. The fact is having 77-85 agilty aint that bad for pikes. But dont make it higher then needed for your bracelets.

Strength the rest ofcourse.



People who say a pikeman cant hunt in ice mine is crazy.

Im 137 ps and i can hunt oke, not that good as the rest but im strong enough.



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pike is only strong at 134+

low level isn't, 2 ~1 hits of each cl are missed

is for that ps cant hunt

you have nice itens and very,very nice level

char low level with low equips [ks,as,ata,ms,fs,pris(with extincion)] can do equal

pike was the strongest,but in now days ... nobody wants ps


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pike is only strong at 134+

low level isn't, 2 ~1 hits of each cl are missed

is for that ps cant hunt

you have nice itens and very,very nice level

char low level with low equips [ks,as,ata,ms,fs,pris(with extincion)] can do equal

pike was the strongest,but in now days ... nobody wants ps

yeaaaah true.

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pike is only strong at 134+

low level isn't, 2 ~1 hits of each cl are missed

is for that ps cant hunt

you have nice itens and very,very nice level

char low level with low equips [ks,as,ata,ms,fs,pris(with extincion)] can do equal

pike was the strongest,but in now days ... nobody wants ps

yeaaaah true.

true true

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yes  :)

but some skills are outdated

-tornado now have 80% damage boost

-venon spear now is 180% damage of you weapon

-vanish now is 40% damage

-charge strike now is 60% dmage+ 120% full charged

-shadow master now do 80% damage

take a lock on it  ;)


thx for reading

hey see that some skills was recevi a boost

see SS's






shadow master i dont have level 10, sorry

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LoSt°PiKe[]" post="447073" timestamp="1353528927"]

Venon spear working cool in lvl 10 ?  :o

for hunt and boss is perfect

final damage is great

and you can use cl


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LoSt°PiKe[] link=topic=70930.msg447073#msg447073 date=1353528927]

Venon spear working cool in lvl 10 ?  :o

for hunt and boss is perfect

final damage is great

and you can use cl

Woaa cool


i start up venon spear now for hunt :D

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Sorry for digging the old topic

I still don't know why the high Talent reduce the miss chance of CL. Why don't you put the point for agi ?

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Sorry for digging the old topic

I still don't know why the high Talent reduce the miss chance of CL. Why don't you put the point for agi ?


its simple Talent + Agi = more rating and reduce miss chance OF CL.


Agility = Atk Rating


Talent = Rting / Def


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