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RPT cannot create a nice offical download link for plaeyers.

Do NOT tell me that RPT don't have time to create one link which the players can download.

If you want to play the game, you have to download the game.

RPT don't care about it.



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With all of this, you don't have enough link to get the game ?


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He just have some problems with that that links , i have  that too when i download the game , after some tryes it solve.


@kakalouis : Just be patient and keep trying men , wont be long ! 


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RPT cannot create a nice offical download link for plaeyers.

Do NOT tell me that RPT don't have time to create one link which the players can download.

If you want to play the game, you have to download the game.

RPT don't care about it.




Hi, this concern has already been forwarded and been given attention by our admins, they are currently working in putting up new mirror links so new players would have an easier time to download the game itself.


The most effective mirror link as of now would be the 2nd link, by google. I have been recommending that link to new players who are trying to download the game, so far its has been working wonders, hope it will do the same for you  ;)

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my friends tried all the download links, including docx google. All links don't work.

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my friends tried all the download links, including docx google. All links don't work.


I have personally tried the link from google and it is working fine with me. When your friends tried the link, what did it say? Can you post a screenshot so I can help you guys out?

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She lives in Vietnam but me.

She downloaded the doxc google patch 3254, but she could not run it.

If someone has the 3258 patch, please upload, I can tell her download it.

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