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What is happening in this boring game?

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Besides old events and same old things as always?


I mean Wartale has established a schedule for updates and stuff and now all i see is zombies and ghosts in this game ....


I know he is busy but he is so busy 24/24 7/7? He will let this game like this? This is a critic im thankfull for him backing to put the game online ( cuz i know he is getting money of this again) so besides that what is the purpose on letting this game online?


Please dont make flood or anything like this here thanks !


BTW im making this topic because im so fucking busy i dont have time to talk with him at day because i never see him online on messenger or this stuff anymore so i think was easier to come here and make this topic to listen users and moderators etc!

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i do care  and i dont know  where the heck is sandurr :( and the rest of the GM ( expcept kennie)...

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Now, I cannot talk ingame....

Game is for fun, for everyone.

I am not an gainning exp player, I like to talk but now.......

Bored me.

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Now, I cannot talk ingame....

Game is for fun, for everyone.

I am not an gainning exp player, I like to talk but now.......

Bored me.

yeah cause some ... report ppl he made this game ...

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One thing we have lost here is the good english too ! WTF some guys said here? ROFL

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Well i have to agree...


But at same time i kinda understand Wartale's point, i guess it's the first time in human history that a non oficial Priston Tale server whent back online after a shutdown due to copyright infrigments... I don't know how Wartale managed to do it and off course it's no doubt a insane huge achievement, so i understand that the game maybe won't never get its flow and pace like before the shutdown.



But i'll have to agree.


I've exped and farmed so hard to finally get high level and donated items. I'm bored and sick, all i've wanted to do back in the day is to go BC, now i can do it, but what i can see is, BC is empty or, when there are people on BC, there is just lots of Fighters, with i can't stand a chance whatsoever, don't matter how high level i am and perfect donated +20 my items are, Fighters can KO anyone with 2 Avening Crashes or a single Destroyer. And don't matter how powerfull i am i can't kill they because i'm always dying first or they're always hanging with a shield and a extremely overpowered 1 hand axe.


BC is so brainless and pointless, just a bunch of fighters holding right click and dealing 2 Avenging Crashs - kill.


What i mean is, the most important reason that players indeed plays Wartale than others servers or even oficials servers, is because of Tier 5 and Class Balance. Well i can understand that Tier 5 have lots of obstacles due to the shutdown, so i don't bother at all. But class balance is something that i really care and is something that the game is really lacking and nothing is being done about that.


It's frustrating that you own a powerfull and really good geared character and gets owned hardly by a Fighter that is a lower level than you, with non perfect itens and sometimes even without forces. The same goes for the lame Archers that can take 80% of anyone's HP with a single Critically hit Phoenix Shot, and killing with a second Phoenix Shot (critical or not). Everyone hates Pike insanely high chances to 1~2 HIT KO on oficials or others servers out there, but the same thing is happening with Fighters and Archers. It isn't fun, also you can't do nothing to counter-measure this without putting lots of Health points, but doing so you lose even more the killing power.


The same goes for when you want to exp, this is really, really sh|t, you can't exp well because of sickening people camping 24/7 on every damn ad2/ad3 spawns.


The lack of game interativity with Wartale itself, GMs and unique events - something that was RealmPt bread and butter, unique things, is going and are faded away.


However like i've said, i kinda understand Wartale situation right now, but i'll be honest, i really lost all my will to play the game... Logging just a few times lately to say some hi to my clannies.



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Well i have to agree...


But at same time i kinda understand Wartale's point, i guess it's the first time in human history that a non oficial Priston Tale server whent back online after a shutdown due to copyright infrigments... I don't know how Wartale managed to do it and off course it's no doubt a insane huge achievement, so i understand that the game maybe won't never get its flow and pace like before the shutdown.



But i'll have to agree.


I've exped and farmed so hard to finally get high level and donated items. I'm bored and sick, all i've wanted to do back in the day is to go BC, now i can do it, but what i can see is, BC is empty or, when there are people on BC, there is just lots of Fighters, with i can't stand a chance whatsoever, don't matter how high level i am and perfect donated +20 my items are, Fighters can KO anyone with 2 Avening Crashes or a single Destroyer. And don't matter how powerfull i am i can't kill they because i'm always dying first or they're always hanging with a shield and a extremely overpowered 1 hand axe.


BC is so brainless and pointless, just a bunch of fighters holding right click and dealing 2 Avenging Crashs - kill.


What i mean is, the most important reason that players indeed plays Wartale than others servers or even oficials servers, is because of Tier 5 and Class Balance. Well i can understand that Tier 5 have lots of obstacles due to the shutdown, so i don't bother at all. But class balance is something that i really care and is something that the game is really lacking and nothing is being done about that.


It's frustrating that you own a powerfull and really good geared character and gets owned hardly by a Fighter that is a lower level than you, with non perfect itens and sometimes even without forces. The same goes for the lame Archers that can take 80% of anyone's HP with a single Critically hit Phoenix Shot, and killing with a second Phoenix Shot (critical or not). Everyone hates Pike insanely high chances to 1~2 HIT KO on oficials or others servers out there, but the same thing is happening with Fighters and Archers. It isn't fun, also you can't do nothing to counter-measure this without putting lots of Health points, but doing so you lose even more the killing power.


The same goes for when you want to exp, this is really, really sh|t, you can't exp well because of sickening people camping 24/7 on every damn ad2/ad3 spawns.


The lack of game interativity with Wartale itself, GMs and unique events - something that was RealmPt bread and butter, unique things, is going and are faded away.


However like i've said, i kinda understand Wartale situation right now, but i'll be honest, i really lost all my will to play the game... Logging just a few times lately to say some hi to my clannies.




Fs dies really easy, and whatsmore, i have never 2ac killed a fully equiped Knight. They are actually very tanker and medium/high damage.


Abt the rest i agree

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Well i have to agree...


But at same time i kinda understand Wartale's point, i guess it's the first time in human history that a non oficial Priston Tale server whent back online after a shutdown due to copyright infrigments... I don't know how Wartale managed to do it and off course it's no doubt a insane huge achievement, so i understand that the game maybe won't never get its flow and pace like before the shutdown.



But i'll have to agree.


I've exped and farmed so hard to finally get high level and donated items. I'm bored and sick, all i've wanted to do back in the day is to go BC, now i can do it, but what i can see is, BC is empty or, when there are people on BC, there is just lots of Fighters, with i can't stand a chance whatsoever, don't matter how high level i am and perfect donated +20 my items are, Fighters can KO anyone with 2 Avening Crashes or a single Destroyer. And don't matter how powerfull i am i can't kill they because i'm always dying first or they're always hanging with a shield and a extremely overpowered 1 hand axe.


BC is so brainless and pointless, just a bunch of fighters holding right click and dealing 2 Avenging Crashs - kill.


What i mean is, the most important reason that players indeed plays Wartale than others servers or even oficials servers, is because of Tier 5 and Class Balance. Well i can understand that Tier 5 have lots of obstacles due to the shutdown, so i don't bother at all. But class balance is something that i really care and is something that the game is really lacking and nothing is being done about that.


It's frustrating that you own a powerfull and really good geared character and gets owned hardly by a Fighter that is a lower level than you, with non perfect itens and sometimes even without forces. The same goes for the lame Archers that can take 80% of anyone's HP with a single Critically hit Phoenix Shot, and killing with a second Phoenix Shot (critical or not). Everyone hates Pike insanely high chances to 1~2 HIT KO on oficials or others servers out there, but the same thing is happening with Fighters and Archers. It isn't fun, also you can't do nothing to counter-measure this without putting lots of Health points, but doing so you lose even more the killing power.


The same goes for when you want to exp, this is really, really sh|t, you can't exp well because of sickening people camping 24/7 on every damn ad2/ad3 spawns.


The lack of game interativity with Wartale itself, GMs and unique events - something that was RealmPt bread and butter, unique things, is going and are faded away.


However like i've said, i kinda understand Wartale situation right now, but i'll be honest, i really lost all my will to play the game... Logging just a few times lately to say some hi to my clannies.




Fs dies really easy, and whatsmore, i have never 2ac killed a fully equiped Knight. They are actually very tanker and medium/high damage.


Abt the rest i agree


No, they really don't die easy!!! Don't play dumb, look at BC itself and you can even check the PvP Rankings. There are lots of fighters on ranking, the top one is a fighter and almost all of them have a high Kill/Death Ratio


Also Fighter have the highest HP formula from the game plus 250 HP from his T4. And common, he gains 180 Attack Damage with just 30 ABS loss, do not forget that in pvp, 1 hp = 1 abs, its basically just a 30 hp decrease from the class that have the highest HP.


Furthemore Fighters barely uses his 2 handed axe, they stick with a shield and the overpowered 1 hand axe (that is more strong than a 2 handed sword and scythe), they get very tankier and still with LOT killing power. And Fighter have 9 Attack Speed, his skills are much more faster than everyone else, so he can pot HP faster between his AC and DT strikes.



You might be correct because there is just fighters on BC, the fighter itself can't handle his own damage output, meaning obviously Fighters will kill Fighters.


Mech is another class that have and abusing overpowered 1 hand weapon, the claw... Mech tanks shit and kills shit with his shield and 1 handed claw.


And about Knights, i agree that they tank the hell out with a shield, but, who said that Knight can kill at ridiculously rate that a Fighter and a Mech can, with a 1 handed Sword? The same goes for Pike. Both Knight and Pike NEEDS to hold a 2 hand weapon because they'll wont do any kind of potential killing damage with 1 handed sword << something that is REALLY correct and balanced, its absurd Fighters and MEchs killing the hell meanwhile tanking the shit with 1 handed weapons and shields


A knight with a 2 hand sword can NOT survive a 2 ac, assuming that AC have insane high critical ratio (Critical Hit ignores enemy ABS, dont forget)


And i'll tell you again. There is lots of very powerfull and high leveled Knights out there, fully geared, pick him against a Fighter (that doesnt even need to be on his level neither fully geared), there is no doubt that a fighter will tank and pot more and quicker, and overall Fighter will kill much more. Do the same thing against a Pike, Mechanic or even other class like Archer and Atalanta. Archer is powerfull than Fighter, but at least, Archers is someone that REALLY get killed easy, Fighter not.

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Well i have to agree...


But at same time i kinda understand Wartale's point, i guess it's the first time in human history that a non oficial Priston Tale server whent back online after a shutdown due to copyright infrigments... I don't know how Wartale managed to do it and off course it's no doubt a insane huge achievement, so i understand that the game maybe won't never get its flow and pace like before the shutdown.



But i'll have to agree.


I've exped and farmed so hard to finally get high level and donated items. I'm bored and sick, all i've wanted to do back in the day is to go BC, now i can do it, but what i can see is, BC is empty or, when there are people on BC, there is just lots of Fighters, with i can't stand a chance whatsoever, don't matter how high level i am and perfect donated +20 my items are, Fighters can KO anyone with 2 Avening Crashes or a single Destroyer. And don't matter how powerfull i am i can't kill they because i'm always dying first or they're always hanging with a shield and a extremely overpowered 1 hand axe.


BC is so brainless and pointless, just a bunch of fighters holding right click and dealing 2 Avenging Crashs - kill.


What i mean is, the most important reason that players indeed plays Wartale than others servers or even oficials servers, is because of Tier 5 and Class Balance. Well i can understand that Tier 5 have lots of obstacles due to the shutdown, so i don't bother at all. But class balance is something that i really care and is something that the game is really lacking and nothing is being done about that.


It's frustrating that you own a powerfull and really good geared character and gets owned hardly by a Fighter that is a lower level than you, with non perfect itens and sometimes even without forces. The same goes for the lame Archers that can take 80% of anyone's HP with a single Critically hit Phoenix Shot, and killing with a second Phoenix Shot (critical or not). Everyone hates Pike insanely high chances to 1~2 HIT KO on oficials or others servers out there, but the same thing is happening with Fighters and Archers. It isn't fun, also you can't do nothing to counter-measure this without putting lots of Health points, but doing so you lose even more the killing power.


The same goes for when you want to exp, this is really, really sh|t, you can't exp well because of sickening people camping 24/7 on every damn ad2/ad3 spawns.


The lack of game interativity with Wartale itself, GMs and unique events - something that was RealmPt bread and butter, unique things, is going and are faded away.


However like i've said, i kinda understand Wartale situation right now, but i'll be honest, i really lost all my will to play the game... Logging just a few times lately to say some hi to my clannies.




Fs dies really easy, and whatsmore, i have never 2ac killed a fully equiped Knight. They are actually very tanker and medium/high damage.


Abt the rest i agree


No, they really don't die easy!!! Don't play dumb, look at BC itself and you can even check the PvP Rankings. There are lots of fighters on ranking, the top one is a fighter and almost all of them have a high Kill/Death Ratio


Also Fighter have the highest HP formula from the game plus 250 HP from his T4. And common, he gains 180 Attack Damage with just 30 ABS loss, do not forget that in pvp, 1 hp = 1 abs, its basically just a 30 hp decrease from the class that have the highest HP.


Furthemore Fighters barely uses his 2 handed axe, they stick with a shield and the overpowered 1 hand axe (that is more strong than a 2 handed sword and scythe), they get very tankier and still with LOT killing power. And Fighter have 9 Attack Speed, his skills are much more faster than everyone else, so he can pot HP faster between his AC and DT strikes.



You might be correct because there is just fighters on BC, the fighter itself can't handle his own damage output, meaning obviously Fighters will kill Fighters.


The top PVP is fighter because he was almost he first one to get lvl 140, so he kills easy.

Second position is mage, wich made almost it's points as Archer.

Third is pikeman, wich was Always a pikeman.



You can't say knights don't have good damage because i'm 137 and already died for 2GC of some knights, using shield.


Edit: This is no the place to QQ about "fighters are OP" and "Knights are weak"

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About your OBS: Sure it isnt, but its MY reply about MY gaming experience on RPT, stick with that, dont ignore facts. And i'll never do class change bullshit or trade account, i play and stick with my class because i enjoy it, not because its overpower or not, unlike 80% of Wartale players


I don't have any kind of fun playing the game neither going to BC, and BC is dissapoint because what i've already explained so far. What brought me to RPT was class balance, without it there is no point playing RPT.




Don't matter how much your class is overpower, someone (you) that play that class will _never_ admit or at least give a honest comment about how much overpower you class is. Its a proven fact, fruit everyone else but do not touch me.

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About your OBS: Sure it isnt, but its MY reply about MY gaming experience on RPT, stick with that, dont ignore facts. And i'll never do class change bullshit or trade account, i play and stick with my class because i enjoy it, not because its overpower or not, unlike 80% of Wartale players


I have any kind of fun playing the game neither going to BC, and BC is dissapoint because what i've already explained so far. What brought me to RPT was class balance, without it there is no point playing RPT.




Don't matter how much your class is overpower, someone (you) that play that class will _never_ admit or at least give a honest comment about how much overpower you class is.



I trade character because i get advantages on it. It's Market.


Also, you as a Knight player won't accept Knights are also good.

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One thing we have lost here is the good english too ! WTF some guys said here? ROFL

If English is your second language, you can tell WTF about others.

If not, please shut up your Fcu.......k mouth.

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I accept Knight is good! It's almost impossible to kill a knight with a shield. My shield is crap, Phoenix Shield +10 and i can tank shit with it, you can ask everyone, i'm always joking about my shield being legendary


Knight is a really good class, but unlike Fighter, he is balanced, Fighter is NOT, neither is Mech with 1 Hand Claw and Archer.


Being a good class doesnt mean that its overpower, Knight doesn't have a quick 3 hit deadly skill neither insane attack damage and critical ratio.


Pike is balanced, Mech is balanced (except when he sticks with a shield and 1 hand claw), Knight is Balanced, Atalanta is Balanced, Archer is overpowered (but dies easily) and Fighter is way much more overpowered (that doesnt die easily)


You can ask anyone or you can give your own arguments and facts that proves me wrong (something that i'll hardly believe that you can do, just looking at BC is a evidence enough, plentys of Fighters and thats it)


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About your OBS: Sure it isnt, but its MY reply about MY gaming experience on RPT, stick with that, dont ignore facts. And i'll never do class change bullshit or trade account, i play and stick with my class because i enjoy it, not because its overpower or not, unlike 80% of Wartale players


I don't have any kind of fun playing the game neither going to BC, and BC is dissapoint because what i've already explained so far. What brought me to RPT was class balance, without it there is no point playing RPT.




Don't matter how much your class is overpower, someone (you) that play that class will _never_ admit or at least give a honest comment about how much overpower you class is. Its a proven fact, fruit everyone else but do not touch me.

Stick to KS most handsomeness  of all :)

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it's boring because no new coming

when Wartale try release new item ,new mixing

or when make a level cap more


someone who dont need donate a lot more  and dont need exp-service more said NOOOOO...



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all char strong. important u know build and nice pot.. :D..FS strong because fs nice items and crwon...(fs 1 spd very dangerous) but hard win ks,ms when same items and no crown .5/5. MS no shield ..@@..0/10 fs.

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all char strong. important u know build and nice pot.. :D..FS strong because fs nice items and crwon...(fs 1 spd very dangerous) but hard win ks,ms when same items and no crown .5/5. MS no shield ..@@..0/10 fs.

FS strong  cause FS full damg  nad bug with SA and 1spd FS does have def ( health shield, roar) and 1 handed axe is outdamge the rest of 1handed weap

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all char strong. important u know build and nice pot.. :D..FS strong because fs nice items and crwon...(fs 1 spd very dangerous) but hard win ks,ms when same items and no crown .5/5. MS no shield ..@@..0/10 fs.

mech ... luck char only kill ppl when max damg and next skill  not miss

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they always wanna their char is the strongest class :))


It isn't like this.


I guess its EXTREMELY common sense and visible to EVERYONE that Fighter is way more stronger than everyone else, obviously OP

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