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Critical attacks.

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Well, i have a doubt that i think a lot of other players may have too.



How does a critical attack work?


The information i get after doing some reserch is that a critical attack doesn't ignore block/def/evade, like most people think it does. You can actually block and defense critical attacks...

And that it is not just the max attack... A critical attack is a regular attack, with 70% bonus add. It may be a min damage critical, or even a max damage critical...


So, what i know about critical attacks right now is that he is just a regular attack with 70% bonus add.


Is that right? Do you know how it works? Please comment with your knowledge/opinion.  ;)


Some adm/gm explanation would be great too.  :-X

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* Critical attack  : can not block or def or eva cuz if it can then there is not soo called as critical attack :] .


* Critical attack = max dam x multiple ( i dont know what multiple is .. may be 2)

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Is'nt critical attack 100% plus damage ?


and how about weapon crit chances, plus skill as ps ?

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if critical more than 1 fix value is overpower

around 4x%


it's happen when Ms class got skill bow add critical..

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Critical Hits, as far as i know, it have 70% increased damage and ignores the target Absorption




1v1 Knight vs Mech


Knight Attack Damage is 1200~1400, Mech ABS is 300


Knights use his Grand Cross, and lets say that the damage calculated is 1400 on both hits


on PvP, base Attack Damage is divided by 5


1400/5 = 280


280 + (80% of 280) 224 = 504 << this is the final damage power that the first hit of Grand Cross will deal


This is the first hit, and it isn't critical. Then, the calculations begin


504 - 300 (Mech ABS) = 204 << This is the final HP damage that Mech will receive from the first hit, non critical..




Now lets go for the second hit that is a critical strike




1400/5 = 280


280 + 224 (80% from Grand Cross) = 504


504 + (70% from critical hit, and its calculated on base damage, 70% of 280 is 196 ) 196 = 700 << Final Damage of the second Grand Cross critical hit.


As far as i know, Critical Hits ignores enemy ABS, so there is no damage mitigation, so, 700 damage insnt substracted from 300 abs, so its a total 700 HP damage on the target


However critical hits damage indeeds get mitigated by flat damage reduction, like Mage's Energy shield (every damage against him will do 30% less damage at lv10), Knight's Godly Shield (less 20% damage at lv10)


So in case it was a Knight against a Knight, 700 Hp damage will be lowered to 560 HP damage, but this 560 will be NOT mitigated by the enemy Knight abs. Or if its a Mage, it will deal 490 HP damage, plus 210 MP damage (30% of 700 is 210)





I would love if Wartale confirms my theory




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I have another doubt, this one more focused on pvp fighting:


Lets say that a weapon have 30% critical. On Hunt maps this 30% just consider the atks you actually Hit. You will not hit 30% critical hits based on all atks you strike, just 30% of those who you do hit. I already tested it. OK.


But in pvp combats, you never misses a striked attack (dont know about magic classes...). What may happen is your opponent defend, block or evade your attacks.


Well, if a critical atk really ignores def/block/evade, you should get a 30% rate of critical hits then, right?

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I have another doubt, this one more focused on pvp fighting:


Lets say that a weapon have 30% critical. On Hunt maps this 30% just consider the atks you actually Hit. You will not hit 30% critical hits based on all atks you strike, just 30% of those who you do hit. I already tested it. OK.


But in pvp combats, you never misses a striked attack (dont know about magic classes...). What may happen is your opponent defend, block or evade your attacks.


Well, if a critical atk really ignores def/block/evade, you should get a 30% rate of critical hits then, right?


First of all, every attack against a target at PvP sounds and looks that it indeed hit, the same goes for the player that is receiving the hits. On his computer, he can evade/block/defend, like, 2 of 2GC hits, but he'll see the Grand Cross Effect. Its a smart move from Wartale, its visually and estethically better to all hits sounds that it indeed hit than the "miss" sound effect and no graphic effect at all. It's a good small detail that improves the PvP enviroment a lot, it isnt fun to see all your defended/blcoked hits as a "miss" hit at all.


But there is a bug! A hit can sound and shown the Critical sound and graphic effect, but this hit can be blocked evaded and defended, doing no harm, and showing no critical sound/gfx effect to enemy. The opposite can happen! A hit that not sounded a critical hit, can deal critical hit damage to the target, and the target can get this critical damage but the sound and gfx is not shown. The bug is a desyncronization from the actual critical hit, the graphic and sound effect seems to be calculated client side, so this generate this desync.


This desync bug doesn't happen against monsters, just against PvP. If your hit sounded a critical hit against a monster, it will indeed deal extra damage. Easy to spot this.


Final Critical % rate isn't flat, there is a handcap that is calculated from the player and the target level difference that increases/reduces the final Critical % rate


Critical Hits do NOT ignore enemy Defense / Block / Evade.


And its easy to explain, every hit is checked FIRST by Evade, Second by Block, third by Defense. (Maybe Block came first than Evade). IF the hit isn't blocked, defended or evaded, then the % of Critical hit kicks in



Whats (i think) actually happens is:


hit > evade > block > attack rating x defense > player level x enemy level handcap critical hit final %  > base damage + skill added damage > base damage + added 70% of critical (if the hit indeeds is critical) > 100% of Absorption mitigation (that i believe is ignored if its critical) > skill flat % damage reduction > HP damage on the target



Also some Critical Hits multipliers doesn't work as a stack, but as a base critical ratio multiplier


Lets consider a Pike


16% from innate critical passive + 30% +20 120 Scythe + 4% of spec + 46% of Assassin Eye + 5% of Critical Scroll


If we sum it up, it will result as 101% critical ratio chance, that i hardly believe it works lilke that.


What i belive that really happens is, base critical hit is the Weapon Critical + Spec


so, base critical hit of a pike is 34%.


Then, his passive would be 16% of 34% = +5,4% so, 5,44+34 = 39,44%


Now, Assassin Eye Critical Hit increase, 46% of 34% = 15,64, then, 39,44+15,64 = 55,08%


Then, i guess, the 5% of critical scroll is added as a stack, so, 55,08% + 5% is 60,08%




Maybe its not accurate but i believe that a Pike final Critical chance is indeed somewhere 60%, its impossible, you can land critical hits very often but, 100% of all hits is something that every pike can agree with me that actually doesnt happens


Also this 60% can be increased or reduced by the level handcap






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So, what can we conclude is that a critical hit is nothing but a regular hit with 70% bonus add, that ignores the ABS.


And about pvp it is the same that on hunt, only diference is that every strike is shown as a succeeded hit, as some sort of esthetic matter in order to improve the pvp gaming experience.

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So, what can we conclude is that a critical hit is nothing but a regular hit with 70% bonus add, that ignores the ABS.


And about pvp it is the same that on hunt, only diference is that every strike is shown as a succeeded hit, as some sort of esthetic matter in order to improve the pvp gaming experience.


Something like this. But it isn't multiplies the final added damage, its calculated on the base damage itself.


People thinks that its works this way, with is incorrect:


1 hit of GC against monster, 1400 base damage, +80% = 2520 + 70% = 4284 attack damage. It's wrong.


The correct is:


1 hit of GC against monster, 1400 base damage, +80% =  2520 + 70% of 1400 = 3500




So far the unique damage multiplier that is calculated around the final damage is Knight's T5 Undead Bane and Mage's T5 Amplify.


In case of a Knight, let's see how its works.


Non critical, against undead, 1 hit of Grand Cross:


1400 + 80% = 2520 + 50% of 1400 = 3220 + 20% of 3220 = 3864




1400 + 80% = 2520 + 50% of 1400 = 3220 + 70% of 1400 = 4200 + 20% of 4200 = 5040


Lets throw Holy Valor to the mix, with adds 42% of attack damage against undeads.


Non critical


1400 + 80% = 2520 + 50% of 1400 = 3220 + 42% of 1400 = 3808 + 20% of 3808 = 4569,6




1400 + 80% = 2520 + 50% of 1400 = 3220 + 42% of 1400 = 3808 + 70% of 1400 = 4788 + 20% of 4788 = 5745,6


Following the database, Undead Manager have 25000 HP, so, it would take 5 hits of Grand Cross to kill him. But we all know that it'll never happen. The monster absorb can be extremely high or it can be a flat % damage reduction, or the base Attack Damage is still divided by 5 (like it is on PvP) or divided even more against monsters, also there is the level handcap or the database is wrong.



But i'll remind that it seems, that critical hit ignores ABS, however i can't assume it's truth, just Wartale itself can confirm this. The critical hit ignoring ABS is the unique explanation to why some Phoenix Shot takes a little of the HP and why all of sudden it can take 80% of the HP, the same goes for Pike's Jumping Crash, it can deal 20% hp damage or OHKO or taking 70~95% of HP, the gap from min~max damage would never result in that high difference of damage output

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