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10 140 and Increase level CAP?? LOL

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Look how it will work,


XP services will keep with all hs's, who wanna play him self need use the trash's hs... Server will keep for some players...


For Increase level CAP, Increase the rules and the HS's too, remove where can do Dual Spawn, Make 3 hs's in AD2 and AD3 with same EXP and open Zeus back, take a look whit who take hs's just for keep it, not for exp.


Who rly wanna CAP 150??


Answer the poll :) Pliz

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Theres no poll in your topic, and theres 11 140. And theres 200+ 135+

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Theres no poll in your topic, and theres 11 140. And theres 200+ 135+


i can't add the poll, but with 135 140 need alot of time, they don't will be 140 in 10 days or something like else, i don't care if increase it, but for this need take a look into the game, what happen last days, all hs are of a few people, who always use bad things for take hs, Ksing players, lure mobs, boss, stop inside of ur hs... and when take it they don't exp, they keep inside hs just for stop anothers players to exp...

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Top 25 (level) players in the server

11 140

14 139


Doesn't matter how he got to that level...

Everyone want to enjoy priston as much as they can...

What if someone likes to exp? (Yes, there are people who actually ENJOY exping)

Once he gets to 140, what does he do?

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Talk no to Cap.150

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Top 25 (level) players in the server

11 140

14 139


Doesn't matter how he got to that level...

Everyone want to enjoy priston as much as they can...

What if someone likes to exp? (Yes, there are people who actually ENJOY exping)

Once he gets to 140, what does he do?


tell me 20 names who rly enjoy exp in this days?? 4 hs ad2, 4 hs ad3, Exp services take 6 of this :)

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I also didn't liked lvl cap 150... Maybe cuz i still 133 LOL


But if is really going to have a "lvl cap 150", we surely need more train/hunt maps, more spawns, and new Quests.

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Top 25 (level) players in the server

11 140

14 139


Doesn't matter how he got to that level...

Everyone want to enjoy priston as much as they can...

What if someone likes to exp? (Yes, there are people who actually ENJOY exping)

Once he gets to 140, what does he do?


tell me 20 names who rly enjoy exp in this days?? 4 hs ad2, 4 hs ad3, Exp services take 6 of this :)

for me i know tocbim18 natasha he0bu anniversary old khoaithisan , tuoixitin, luna, lazycat, mie, and me ( ad3 only) i dont know about ad2 because im not exp there.

CEH not included :))

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i agree for increase it, if they look what happen in server, who cares if just 1 player can enjoy 70% of the server??


Or make some things, like a map 140+ and 140 can't come for AD 1/2/3

Make 140 for just can exp in Hunt maps with quest :)


that will balance the server ^^

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Talk no to Cap.150

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

+1000000000000000000000000000000000. dont make this server run so fast.

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They should start punishing players that are caught leeching. There goes 99% of exp services = more open spawns for everyone else to train in.

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Or make some things, like a map 140+ and 140 can't come for AD 1/2/3

Make 140 for just can exp in Hunt maps with quest :)


that will balance the server ^^

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xp of ice mine quests is not better? i think need create 1 or 2 more maps whit same mobs of ice mine and npc for quest, this way have mobs for everyone and people dont stay ksing prs in that quests, all time people ks me in ice map

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They should start punishing players that are caught leeching. There goes 99% of exp services = more open spawns for everyone else to train in.

what about people who pay expservice.

and  what about people like me, i leech my chars and exp pris. ( i dont like quest so dont said quest to me).

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have who don't like quest, like me :)


but if they wanna exp 140+ for server be for all need do something ^^

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look that situation,


when they 140 today take 150 in 1 year maybe, with the hs aways full who are 135 today will be maybe 141, 142, and sandur increase it to 150....

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i think pris ice metorite is the best feature of RPT :(.

because people can exp themself easy and dont get boring by looking at the % so they can exp more than ussual.

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They should start punishing players that are caught leeching. There goes 99% of exp services = more open spawns for everyone else to train in.

what about people who pay expservice.

and  what about people like me, i leech my chars and exp pris. ( i dont like quest so dont said quest to me).

Thats the whole point, no leeching so its harder for more people to reach the new cap. You either train your fs or prs, choose one. Or get someone else to log your other character and party together. It doesn't matter what you like and what you don't like, if you want to exp your going to be forced into exp'ing one way or no way.

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If u give new q or xp maps with xp boost for 135+ the lvl difference between these chars to chars bellow 130 will increase a lot. 12x will need q with more XP too. Its simple.


but today nothing what u said was ben done, so need think first, not just increase and let the same situation what happen today :)

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They should start punishing players that are caught leeching. There goes 99% of exp services = more open spawns for everyone else to train in.

what about people who pay expservice.

and  what about people like me, i leech my chars and exp pris. ( i dont like quest so dont said quest to me).

Thats the whole point, no leeching so its harder for more people to reach the new cap. You either train your fs or prs, choose one. Or get someone else to log your other character and party together. It doesn't matter what you like and what you don't like, if you want to exp your going to be forced into exp'ing one way or no way.

140-150 is difficult enough. if that the expserivce when extremely high because ceh need 6ppl to be able to leech 6 acc and how can my fighter or other char solo ad3 without pris.

make it more and more difficult.

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If u give new q or xp maps with xp boost for 135+ the lvl difference between these chars to chars bellow 130 will increase a lot. 12x will need q with more XP too. Its simple.

i like that idea, and a good idea too, take noobs maps like Refuge of the Ancients and Castle of the Lost and put ice mine mobs and npc for quest ^^. can create a new quest for 120+ in ct3 for 120 people reach 128 more easy.

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If u give new q or xp maps with xp boost for 135+ the lvl difference between these chars to chars bellow 130 will increase a lot. 12x will need q with more XP too. Its simple.


It wouldn't be fair for who reached 140 withou the boost.

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i want exp map -,-

i dont like running around and killing mob i want to stay in 1 place and click the skill only :)

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