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new map lvl ???

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good. but new mix and new age now?


New Mix Ok For Me ... But i HOPEEEE he dont make new age to game  >:( >:( its ridiculous

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good. but new mix and new age now?


New Mix Ok For Me ... But i HOPEEEE he dont make new age to game  >:( >:( its ridiculous


Let there be more ages ;)

I'm tired of the shining white items

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I dont like the idea of new age. It should stays at 20. Increasing the age just make me feel like its going to be endless. So what is going to happen when new age comes out? Add in more expensive aging stone than 700coins - 40% ???? Then after a year, add in another type of sheltom and increase the age again? Then add in another type of aging stone that would equivalent to the age? Just how much would that be?


I know that this game is a business to Wartale, but dont take it to far. I quit other games and started this game because this game is less costly. But from the way I see it, its just about to get more expensive. It needs to stop at some point.


New mix is good. Because at least for sure mix will never fail. Its not up to chance, so its worth it. And sandurr will still make money by adding new mix. For donated items, we would have to clean them - using 500 coins/item in order to get a new mix. That alone, is a lot of coins.


And the new aging system is already earning a lot of coins compare to the old system. Although it may seems like each aging is about 1k coins, which was the price when Wartale aged himself. But in reality, its more than that . 700 coins for 40% aging, add in fee, add in sheltoms , and you might not even make it. If it fails, you have to get it back for another 1k coins, then reage with the same cost listed above.



The new respec system is also earning coins by selling character runes. Because prs runes are no where to be seen in the server, it has to be purchase through coin shop. And there are a lot of prs in the server.


I say NO to new aging ! Add in something else that would be more solid - not up to chance, then I will agree to pay. Like, add in the stones that would allow age +20 to change from one color to another - a color that havent exist.

Or better yet, add in the function that would allow you to transfer to age from one item to another.

Add in a rune that cost 2-3k coins, that would allow you to suck the +20 out of an items. Add in another rune for 1k coins for putting that +20 into a new items. Make up some ridiculous fee - like 100kk for each process .


This way, the complete process of transferring a +20 to another item in equivalent to the actual item price. 



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good. but new mix and new age now?


new mix ok new age no tnx im scared to moriph  :(



good. but new mix and new age now?


New Mix Ok For Me ... But i HOPEEEE he dont make new age to game  >:( >:( its ridiculous


yeh  :( :(




good. but new mix and new age now?


New Mix Ok For Me ... But i HOPEEEE he dont make new age to game  >:( >:( its ridiculous


Let there be more ages ;)

I'm tired of the shining white items


:( :( :( moriph is ur friend  :( :( :(

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