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@Everyone with the Direct3D error

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I believe the problem is due to a incompatibility with a model of an onboard VGA. Can everyone with this problem check if yours is the same as mine?

Name: Intel® G33/G31 Express Chipset Family

Maybe this will help Wartale solve this issue faster.

If you don't know how to check your model: Press Windows+R (Run), type dxdiag and select the second tab (Display), its name should be shown here.

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They said that the problem was the 3D card on the mainboard. If it is a separated card, you won't be in this trouble.

I don't know it is right or wrong.

Surely, a lot people are in this problem.

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Did anyone try to remove existing DirectX on your system and install DirectX on the game which patch withwt? How is that status ? or try to reinstall DirectX ?

1) Go to this folder in your Wartale folder: directx/redist/. Then, run DXSETUP.exe and after that try to start the game again.

2) Google and search for download DirectX to fit your PC--> example: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35

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Both my notebooks and my job computers have onboard GFX cards and they worked fine D:

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