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i guess here is where i support to said:

if GM havent said anything it probadly take all day long...

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Can you stop making Server Maintenance  topics?


why should I? i'm just asking if what for and how long? something wrong with that? coz i wasn't on in game before the maintenance that's why.


rather can you stop replying on server maintenance topic? eh?

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U remember this ----> Do not promise a date(time) for something if you can't do it! ? He ill just work ill not give any time, date. now u can  :'(


yes i remember my post, are they going to release broken promises now? too good to be true then.

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Because it's really annoying


Every time server is down you make a topic about it

you bitch about how long maintenance is

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U remember this ----> Do not promise a date(time) for something if you can't do it! ? He ill just work ill not give any time, date. now u can  :'(





Because it's really annoying


Every time server is down you make a topic about it

you bitch about how long maintenance is



just wait asskicker



It ill be done at february 09, 10:00:00 (server time), now u can complain about if he cant give the patch at time.




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Because it's really annoying


Every time server is down you make a topic about it

you bitch about how long maintenance is


show me something where i bitch at a long maintenance? and show me a thread i created before this about maintenance, asking is not bitching, i asked the most proper way i can and u did not see me QQ here, i was curios what's on going that's why i asked, please? get the fvcked out of here, ur a non sense forum user tonberry, u don't even read before posting u say things that are not even related on what is being talked about, hahaha, dude it was just a plain what for? and how long? you may kill your self now if u find that annoying. go on no one stopping you from killing your self good luck :)

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It ill be done at february 09, 10:00:00 (server time), now u can complain about if he cant give the patch at time.


do u want more of my attention nigga? just tell me, it's totally free.

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Lol Tonberry just dont look at his topic then that simple if you think his annoying how annoying do you think its seeing you bitching about every single thing? what are you some emo kid that hates everyone? seems like it you bitched about my topic just 5 min ago but i had it removed got the answer i needed anyway..... yeah now he hates me well haters can hate dosent matter to me

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tonberry is a poor kid who hates everyone and post something that's not even topic related, get use to that attention whore :)

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Yeah i have a small memory of him back when i played to .... he was the same then this retarded one that just dosent make any sense and complain about everything and hates the world well then tonberry do ous and yourself a favour end the world or just end yourself BAM done :D btw i think i remember you too asskicker ^^

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Someone gonna hate in this topic guess who


someone is not needed in this topic, coz he do is hate guess who :)


-assKICKER- is the most retard troll/hater of this whole forum...


ops :)

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jump to ==> Garden Of Freedom  :-\ :-\



ok guys lets go ingame patch 3268  :)


OMG who have the same problem after u patch like this




after u close the game is loading after loading


Failed loading the game  :( :(

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tonberry is a poor kid who hates everyone and post something that's not even topic related, get use to that attention whore :)


what a dumbass. you're a kid who keep making these topics (retard)

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