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Looks weird.


Agreed. Maybe its cause menus, like party, friends list, and personal shops are too "skinny", idk...


But probably, after years playing at regular screen resolution, we are just too used to 4:3 screen...  ;D



Nice work Wartale!

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i'm impressed of new graphic and widescreen mode.It looks perfect and awsome but...yea it's a little weird since we're used to play in 800x600 mode.Trade chat,Skill Icons,HP MP STM EXP Columns,may be they're too small in wide screen mode.I wish Wartale could make it bigger just like 800x600 mode

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Making it bigger is a no deal. This mean all GUI will be stretched and would look extremely awfull.


Its just getting used to. I've always played Priston in 1280x1024 since 2006, playing it on a lower resolution to fit in a Wide Screen was really weird to me, when i bought my first laptop. But with time i get used to it.


Also there is a Game.ini file on the game folder. You can set and put a custom resolution for your desires! from 1x1 to 5000x5000 (or more, if your computer doesn't run out of VRAM xD)




Everything is OK!

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For people who don't like to use ALT + Tab to switch between things.


I changed settings to this.



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We are planning to add health bars in the center screen so its easier for you to keep track of your HP

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