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New map 132 = pvp map?

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  Death Island (132) hunt map released (PvP) (entrance found at Lost Island docks)


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this is very good. Will generate more disputes, and consecutively these items will be the most coveted, naturally. I loved it.

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pvp will be a thing for u do in group, make friends, keeep aways near of ur friends and with rebith in ur inventory xD


Thanks god, now i will enjoy pvp xD

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For me, this pvp hunt map isnt a good idea.


First, cause people wanna pvp, they go on bless castle

Second, people will wait for u almost kill mob, then they come kill u the mob and runaway with your drop hehehe.


But, if people like this no problem :D


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wat about ppl that dont pvp and only like hunt i think map silly idea or make it pvp only athena server then ppl who want hunt go hades then problem solved :)

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ata, arch, auto mech



no, is not good


:S yes

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wat about ppl that dont pvp and only like hunt i think map silly idea or make it pvp only athena server then ppl who want hunt go hades then problem solved :)


i'll support you on that suggestion. Becouse ata, archers, prst and auto mechs usually dies with 1 hit or 2 bone crash's/divine piercing.


Much important now then try a map with pvp is to think a lil' bit more at the class balance or just a small portion of the server will be on advantages.

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For me, this pvp hunt map isnt a good idea.


First, cause people wanna pvp, they go on bless castle

Second, people will wait for u almost kill mob, then they come kill u the mob and runaway with your drop hehehe.


But, if people like this no problem :D

For me is good. Will encourage parties, and maybe hunt with clan. In addition of course to generate greater rivalry, and fun = D

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wat about ppl that dont pvp and only like hunt i think map silly idea or make it pvp only athena server then ppl who want hunt go hades then problem solved :)

that's a good idea.I can't agree more,bro :)

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wat about ppl that dont pvp and only like hunt i think map silly idea or make it pvp only athena server then ppl who want hunt go hades then problem solved :)


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Archers, Atalantas and Automechs can't hunt now. -.-


-1 for pvp at new hunt map.


And don't come saying that we need to form grups of hunt, everybody holding hands... Most of people like to hunt alone, in peace, listening some music.


PVP in hunt map will ruin the hunt experience. I'm pretty sure.

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I believe there is huge mistake when you say that's gonna be a PvP map, the correct thing to say is that this is going to be a PK map.

Having a Hunt + PvP map will only stimulate PK since I don't believe anyone will go to a hunt map with any other intention rather than dropping items.

I guess anyone who appreciates this idea will change his mind as soon as he gets killed by a bigger or stronger group when almost killing a mob and then seeing a 128 armor (for example) being collected by someone else.

Disputes between clans, nationalities, chars should stay only in BC or at least one of the servers should have the map as non PvP.


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I think this map ll created something like small war clans,imagine :"that player take my item,i kill him,he backs with friends kill me and others of my clan,so i bring my clan to kill" etc...rivality

but is something different, NEVER  a map like this was released before i think is a god idea,a great differential.



- create an " short special hour" in the map example: one hour of the day each day t map ll be without pvp but the dmg of mobs ll be increase 1.5x

is just an idea  ;D

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I believe there is huge mistake when you say that's gonna be a PvP map, the correct thing to say is that this is going to be a PK map.

Having a Hunt + PvP map will only stimulate PK since I don't believe anyone will go to a hunt map with any other intention rather than dropping items.

I guess anyone who appreciates this idea will change his mind as soon as he gets killed by a bigger or stronger group when almost killing a mob and then seeing a 128 armor (for example) being collected by someone else.

Disputes between clans, nationalities, chars should stay only in BC or at least one of the servers should have the map as non PvP.


What they made is for make Hunt HARD, like need be, not a map where u stay aways just click on mobs and w8 for a big drop,we will need take care, make pvp don't main he can kill u and take ur mob, and alot players keep outside in clan wars. this guys will die just for enemys who they made by his actions, here we see a thing where u can't just buy a archer 132 with 1 bow 110, 1 set 110 and take all the day for kill 1 mob and test ur luck, u will need take care, prepare your self for the new map, not just go hunt and can equip ur char, u need be strongh for be more strongh... that is the fair with all, have the opition for buy everything with money and alot guys agree when it happen, now it is differenty??

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I believe there is huge mistake when you say that's gonna be a PvP map, the correct thing to say is that this is going to be a PK map.

Having a Hunt + PvP map will only stimulate PK since I don't believe anyone will go to a hunt map with any other intention rather than dropping items.

I guess anyone who appreciates this idea will change his mind as soon as he gets killed by a bigger or stronger group when almost killing a mob and then seeing a 128 armor (for example) being collected by someone else.

Disputes between clans, nationalities, chars should stay only in BC or at least one of the servers should have the map as non PvP.




Me for example, like to hunt solo, listening music.


Let's see what's happen on this map.

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it has been done in the past.


when ct3 was the highest hunt map, it was initially released as a pvp map as well.

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I believe there is huge mistake when you say that's gonna be a PvP map, the correct thing to say is that this is going to be a PK map.

Having a Hunt + PvP map will only stimulate PK since I don't believe anyone will go to a hunt map with any other intention rather than dropping items.

I guess anyone who appreciates this idea will change his mind as soon as he gets killed by a bigger or stronger group when almost killing a mob and then seeing a 128 armor (for example) being collected by someone else.

Disputes between clans, nationalities, chars should stay only in BC or at least one of the servers should have the map as non PvP.


What they made is for make Hunt HARD, like need be, not a map where u stay aways just click on mobs and w8 for a big drop,we will need take care, make pvp don't main he can kill u and take ur mob, and alot players keep outside in clan wars. this guys will die just for enemys who they made by his actions, here we see a thing where u can't just buy a archer 132 with 1 bow 110, 1 set 110 and take all the day for kill 1 mob and test ur luck, u will need take care, prepare your self for the new map, not just go hunt and can equip ur char, u need be strongh for be more strongh... that is the fair with all, have the opition for buy everything with money and alot guys agree when it happen, now it is differenty??


I'm not pretty sure I understood what you mean, but allow me to disagree.

I also believe that in most cases PK will not happen unless you have enemies, but when they happen they will never be a fair fight, cause one of the chars will be taking damage from both a player and one or more mobs.

Second, in your opinion if you have a poorly 132 equipped char you shouldn't be able to hunt for new items? I believe taking a lot of time to kill one mob, dying all the time is already a good punishment.


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Well, our prs can't hunt now, cuz we don't tank and kill others class in pvp. So, i don't agree.

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Well, our prs can't hunt now, cuz we don't tank and kill others class in pvp. So, i don't agree.

Its called a party.

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yea and in a pty fs or ks always see drops 1st most of the time good 4 them guys and wat if u dont party now u got to no way same as the tulla situation range kill tulla while ks and fs just sit and wait 4 drop fair yea " noooooo " so i say no to pvp map or keep it 1 server  >:(

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