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Why Axe is the strongest weapon?


No problem being stronger by a small value, but what happens is it's stronger by a big aumont of attack damage.


Just doing some comparison between new Kronos Axe and others 126 weapons and Axe is by far the strongest weapon.


The "level spec /7" isn't a excuse since a level 140 with /6 gains 23 Attack Damage, and a /7 gains 20 attack damage, so the difference is small.






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fs is made for pvp and 1 to 1 combat. easy as that. Wait for your T5 powerskill.


How about SoD?

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i know FS class now have a bit over power

reduce some dmg weapon kkk


but still highest dmg weapon

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because FS create fo to be pure strength  so everthing about damgage FS got better advantage.

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I know that talk about Fighter being a strong (Attack Damage) class, but this doesn't explain why do Weapons should be imbalanced itself. Fighter being strong is one thing ~ Axe being the stronger weapon by far is another thing.



I mean, weapons shouldn't have same status, but at least they should be balanced altogheter. Like, same total base status with different distribution between status.



But just for you  information, they're not only strong about Attack Damage, they're strong on almost every aspect > HP, Attack Damage, Weapon Attack Speed, Attack Rating, Demons and Critical.



Who claims that Fighter isn't good at SOD, completely lacks common sense. Cyclone Strike  is the fastest AoE skill of the Game or at least is tied with Mechanician Spark (Spark does joke damage compared to Cyclone Strike)


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fighters arent that good in sod. At least not stronger then most chars. Priest,archer,ks and even a atlanta can beat a fs in sod and AOE. Fighters are strong due to their  atr rating but so are archers. Let sandur finish the tier 5 first before decreasing another char.


You clearly have no idea of what you are saying.

Just check SoD scores and you'll see that the only classes that can do more than 10kk points are Fighter and Priestess.

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We've been through this before. New items always tend to follow the pattern from the last few item sets (with some small tweaks here and there); that's the only possible way of achieving balance. Bows for instance, have nearly the same damage as javelins, and that doesn't make any sense because bows are 2-handed (I know Archers have way higher damage, but that's not where I'm trying to get). Unfortunately, we can't change the pattern now because if I were to make 126 bow have huge amounts of damage as it is supposed to be, then Archers with 126 bow would become twice as strong as Archers with 120 bow, which are pretty strong already. Same goes for the axe and whatnot. I mean, look at the claw. It's 1-handed and it almost has the same stats as the two-handed sword. Items simply cannot be compared to each other, as I can have a claw with 100-120 ATK Power and do twice the damage with a 90-110 ATK Power bow for example.


I'm sorry I cannot answer your question as to why axe is the strongest weapon; that's just how it has been for a long time (check 120 axe). What I do know is that whether it is the strongest weapon or not, it's still completely irrelevant to the gameplay in terms of balance, since no class has skills in common with another. When it comes to class balancing, skills are the ones to change; not items.



Bow 126 > bow 120 only 3 damage.

r u fruiting kidding me?


Mistake. Will be fixed!

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We've been through this before. New items always tend to follow the pattern from the last few item sets (with some small tweaks here and there); that's the only possible way of achieving balance. Bows for instance, have nearly the same damage as javelins, and that doesn't make any sense because bows are 2-handed (I know Archers have way higher damage, but that's not where I'm trying to get). Unfortunately, we can't change the pattern now because if I were to make 126 bow have huge amounts of damage as it is supposed to be, then Archers with 126 bow would become twice as strong as Archers with 120 bow, which are pretty strong already. Same goes for the axe and whatnot. I mean, look at the claw. It's 1-handed and it almost has the same stats as the two-handed sword. Items simply cannot be compared to each other, as I can have a claw with 100-120 ATK Power and do twice the damage with a 90-110 ATK Power bow for example.


I'm sorry I cannot answer your question as to why axe is the strongest weapon; that's just how it has been for a long time (check 120 axe). What I do know is that whether it is the strongest weapon or not, it's still completely irrelevant to the gameplay in terms of balance, since no class has skills in common with another. When it comes to class balancing, skills are the ones to change; not items.



Bow 126 > bow 120 only 3 damage.

r u fruiting kidding me?


Mistake. Will be fixed!



So, skill balancing have something wrong, because Fighters have (for a pretty long time) an wooping 9 attack speed with 95% attack damage plus 15% critical and 50% attack rating plus Inner Soul Attack  Rating, the highest HP of the game, the same goes for the 180 attack damage buff being the strongest of the game.


And still they keep holding the strongest weapon of the game...



No doubts to why there is mostly fighters on BC and Death Island.



It's frustrating because only Fighters itself and Mechanician with Maximize bug can stand against another Fighter, nobody else can.

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We've been through this before. New items always tend to follow the pattern from the last few item sets (with some small tweaks here and there); that's the only possible way of achieving balance. Bows for instance, have nearly the same damage as javelins, and that doesn't make any sense because bows are 2-handed (I know Archers have way higher damage, but that's not where I'm trying to get). Unfortunately, we can't change the pattern now because if I were to make 126 bow have huge amounts of damage as it is supposed to be, then Archers with 126 bow would become twice as strong as Archers with 120 bow, which are pretty strong already. Same goes for the axe and whatnot. I mean, look at the claw. It's 1-handed and it almost has the same stats as the two-handed sword. Items simply cannot be compared to each other, as I can have a claw with 100-120 ATK Power and do twice the damage with a 90-110 ATK Power bow for example.


I'm sorry I cannot answer your question as to why axe is the strongest weapon; that's just how it has been for a long time (check 120 axe). What I do know is that whether it is the strongest weapon or not, it's still completely irrelevant to the gameplay in terms of balance, since no class has skills in common with another. When it comes to class balancing, skills are the ones to change; not items.



Bow 126 > bow 120 only 3 damage.

r u fruiting kidding me?


Mistake. Will be fixed!



So, skill balancing have something wrong, because Fighters have (for a pretty long time) an wooping 9 attack speed with 95% attack damage plus 15% critical and 50% attack rating plus Inner Soul Attack  Rating, the highest HP of the game, the same goes for the 180 attack damage buff being the strongest of the game.


And still they keep holding the strongest weapon of the game...



No doubts to why there is mostly fighters on BC and Death Island.



It's frustrating because only Fighters itself and Mechanician with Maximize bug can stand against another Fighter, nobody else can.


Archer, ks, prs, pikeman, mage and ata can stand against fighter too, but need have good items, u forget 1 thing, fighter is a killer, ks is a char tanker and killer, but not very well like a fighter kill or a mech tanke, but don't forget 1 thing, if ur char don't have good items, with sure can't tanker fs in bc :)

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why sword has the highest crit of all weapon?


simple logic.

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