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HG Dilemma

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When was the last HG that actually been finished til Prince died?


As far as the Anti AFK goes, I think its a bit too aggressive, some players died right there and then.. specially the needed rangers.


Another thing is those who just AFK, you are the reason why this happened :P Its ok to afk from time to time to chat or whatever, but being afk the whole duration sucks.. U guys just let the rangers do all the work. You won't even protect them from a fairly amount of mobs.. Prince is relatively easy to tank if a 12x have full gears with high age/mixed so a tanker wont be a problem..


HG is every 6 hours so why not just cooperate and do whats actually best for everyone! Kill those freaking mobs and protect the rangers :P

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HG = Heverton Gustavo


LostPike = Heverton Gustavo



HG = ME :D

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Another HG another big FAILURE... Might as well close it :( good thing its only in beta phase.


THERE IS ALWAYS A TANKER!!!! Don't say no tanker, don't fool yourself and others. There's always a tank.. Its the rangers that we lack..

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Go back to your Ghost town server Hev.. stop spying on people you cant report in forum.


check my profile and look for how long im member here =D


my town not ghost :(


my town = https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-BR&gs_rn=4&gs_ri=psy-ab&tok=4BMaeLyz5OxIbYM3dcATiw&cp=5&gs_id=4c&xhr=t&q=curitiba&safe=off&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42768644,d.dmQ&biw=1024&bih=641&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=-KgrUYqCHcKB0AGj54D4Bg

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