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Dear GM

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Some of my opinions about discipline scams !

Recent in Games phenomenon scams a lot!

but the discipline of GM is further support for Scamser!


not successful scams



Treatment of


Band 3 day lolz!


successful scams





Treatment of


- Items will not get recovered.


Banned Scamer , but also left a lot of damage to the gamer

A player does not want to play, and want to destroy the other players ready to repeat scams!



recovery item of the players are scams!

and banned forever IP Scamser

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In my point of view, The first case wasn't a scam attempt, I'd say it was more about being stupid than trying to be smart...


The other case, when you got scammed,






P.S. that's your fault, get some glasses next time


It is your own fault for not noticing something so obvious.

When something is too good to be true, it probably isn't.

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Well.. that mule isn't the only one who tried to do that.

I'm happy he was a scammer, because I sold the item for alot more some hours later.

But as you can see, it wasn't so hard to see he putted 8k gold instead of 8k coins.




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In my point of view, The first case wasn't a scam attempt, I'd say it was more about being stupid than trying to be smart...


The other case, when you got scammed,






P.S. that's your fault, get some glasses next time


It is your own fault for not noticing something so obvious.

When something is too good to be true, it probably isn't.

Maybe true but The first case i really say him trade four times. but him really want scams me.

so there must be stronger discipline!


me would like to say to in the other case !

Other player does not want to play, and want to destroy the other players ready to repeat scams!




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wow if its ok then all ppl can use cheat and later can sent pm to GM and can be unbanned  8) 8) 8) 8)

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other case here .. if hes banned why i see him online -.-


he was unbanned  :)

by pm


So cheaters that are officially banned on a forum, just have to sent a PM to get unbanned?

No? People are free to PM the staff members if they have any adds to their cases or whatsoever.


AngelIT, pay attention and stuff like this won't happen to you.


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