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Question for Wartalee

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Im just wondering...


If we lost something due to the server crash and have a ss... why is the recovery random stat???


When I bought the ring, I paid a nice amount of gold for it. If I wanted random stat, I could have pay cheaper for a ns and rp it myself.


But this happens to a lot of people, not just me. So I'm wondering why.


Anyways, thank you for recovery the ring



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The ring you had was with old stats, so the one I recovered to you actually had better stats.

Plus the ring Wartale recovered to you was with perfect stats (new).

So I think that you have been treated fair.

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The ring you had was with old stats, so the one I recovered to you actually had better stats.

Plus the ring Wartale recovered to you was with perfect stats (new).

So I think that you have been treated fair.


As I stated, this happened to a lot of people and Im simply wondering why. That is all.


As for the old and new stat, I think you might have mistaken it with another case. My ring is new stat.

But anyhow, a game is simply a game.


PS: I enjoyed the morif event today



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