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What for integrity in items?

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Please, someone there has got to know why the integrity of the items there?

From what I know the integrity should decrease each time you take up a damage enemy, at least that is correct in all RPG games.

I think it works for this concert also the option of items at the blacksmith. But why fix if they never break?

I think it's a script error of the game that still persist and nobody does anything to change, because it might be a problem of little importance.

But as the team "Wartale" has targeted a server free of any bug, see this as a way to make this much more dedicated server and the best there is today.


I hope I helped!

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First off, wtf is up with the big comic sans text?... dude...


Anyways, I guess integrity has indeed never really worked on pristontale, does affect aging succes rate if I'm right tho.


I don't really mind this not working but it would indeed be good to have it working.

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Integrity is useless since the original pt.

Is one of many unfinished projects

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I don't think it's needed...

But it would help taking some gold from the game, since the players would have to repair the items frequently

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The question is whether players want it working.


Worth a shot Could always suggest it be taken off farther down the road


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First off, wtf is up with the big comic sans text?... dude...


Anyways, I guess integrity has indeed never really worked on realmpt, does affect aging succes rate if I'm right tho.


I don't really mind this not working but it would indeed be good to have it working.

javelins don't have integrity,don't affect aging succes rate but decrease when the itens have high age.

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It's a nice idea for making it work.


Here is my ideas:


Integrity should NOT affect Aging success or failure rates or modify any kind of character or gear status (i've heard and read some tales about perf integrity granting 100% of item potential status, and a lower integrity giving lower status).


Integrity should be decreased after some default attacks or skills being used (similar to how skill training is done, after X times the skill is used, the train bar is increased) regardless of the item type (ofensive or defensive)


All equipped items will have their Integrity lowered, regardless if i'm using only 2 handed weapon all the time, my 1 handed sword and shield equipped for example, on second slot, will also have their integrity lowered


When reaching 20% of total integrity, the game should notice the player that one of their items needs to be repaired. Like a client side warning, like the ones when you complete a quest, and when you log in, in the chat box. It's important to this notice appears exactly when a gear reachs 20% of it's integrity. Also if possible, increase the rate of Integrity loss when this 20% is reached by 2 or even 3 times.


Once reaching 10% of total integrity, the item would give 0 status. Another on screen visual warning.


And finally when reaching 0% it will break permanently. (can be restored tru coin shop)



Extra add: Only Ricarten and Pillai blacksmith NPC should have the Repair function. Integrity shouldn't be lowered inside of Bless Castle and Battle Arena.




The idea of giving Integrity some usage is extremely good. The first thing that came to my mind is how it's can be a effective counter to Exp Servicing and spawn domination.


Services and people who camps on Spawns will need eventually to get out of their spawn after some time of pure grinding, to repair their items. It's based on default attack or skill usage - so who is spamming a skill all day will effectively shortens the time it can stay leveling non stop.


If they keep on the spawn and keeps holding it and using skills to keep the spawn, with time it will break. And making it only be repaired on main cities, forces the player to go back to town and go by walking to their desired maps.


It's also pretty good way to counter players using bots and such kinds of things.

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My idea:

Integrity keeps your skills/hits are successful (that you don't fully hit your target).


High Integrity (90-100 %)

The way it is now.

Fixing item cost same as NPC price.


Medium Integrity (50-89 %)

Missing 25% of your skills/hits.

Fixing item cost NPC price x2.5


Low Integrity (10-49 %)

Missing 75% of your skills/hits

Fixing item cost NPC price x5


Dead Weapon (Below 10% is automatically 0%)

Missing 100% of your skills/hits

Fixing item cost xxx coins



Tirbing Sword Drop

Integrity: 100/200 (50%)


Missing 25% of your skills/hits.

Fixing item cost NPC price x2.5

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Nosense. No thanks.


This would require constant repairment on the item. Also it's completely out of basis on the status itself. Integrity isn't related to how you hit the target - Attack Rating Accuracy is. Also, most of AoE skills never misses.


Integrity means how polished and durable your item is. Reaching 0 or low aumont it should lost it's benefits, it's the same as going to a war wearing cracked and obsolete armors.




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How about

high integrity = high texture on items, better glows (if aged)

low integrity = low res texture on items, shit glows (if aged)


Would be laugh  :-\

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Useless topic. Don't put error where there isn't!

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I don't think it's needed...

But it would help taking some gold from the game, since the players would have to repair the items frequently


please god NO!



not the repair wepon shit.... i hate it. noooooooooooooooooo :(

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I don't think it's needed...

But it would help taking some gold from the game, since the players would have to repair the items frequently

Hell no!  That's not PTish.  Quitted others games because of that. 


Btw we was fine without that working since it was out so nvm it. 


I just preffer that our  development team put all his attention to our biggest projects.


Cheers,  Fran.

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