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Suggestion on changing the skin of items

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I remember a GM made for us this idea before.



This suggestion was made before and it was perfect idea..


Its like wearing 4x axe and changing the skin of it to a 126 axe or any axe ever!

Only who play the char can see the new skin of his weapon, the others see the axe normal.


for example.


I have lvl 51 Pike, and im wearing lvl 50 scythe, I can change the skin of my scythe to 120 or 126 scythe, and only me who see the new skin of my scythe, the others see it normally ( lvl 50 scythe )

is it clear x_x ?


This suggestion was made before, and only can change the skin of Weapons and Shields.. but if we can change also the skin of armor, it would be perfect


and sorry for my bad English =.=

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skin is easy to change u can make it by ur self for you only "custon" skins


i have alot skins changed in my game

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what u want is change the model, not the skin.


go to image/sinimage/item/dropitem


its all there.


rename a .smd file to be what u like.




itws205  is  a sword lvl 10




itws220  is the sword lvl 120.



rename the itws220 and write  itws205.  when u log ingame, buy a sword lvl 10 and u will see it like as 120 sword.


but theres no big point in this, unless u plan create ur own weapon  ;D

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dropitem is just about weapons

armors is a whole different folder lol

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what u want is change the model, not the skin.


go to image/sinimage/item/dropitem


its all there.


rename a .smd file to be what u like.




itws205  is  a sword lvl 10




itws220  is the sword lvl 120.



rename the itws220 and write  itws205.  when u log ingame, buy a sword lvl 10 and u will see it like as 120 sword.


but theres no big point in this, unless u plan create ur own weapon  ;D


make a guide :D for the players

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LoSt°PiKe[]" post="492660" timestamp="1364541148"]

what u want is change the model, not the skin.


go to image/sinimage/item/dropitem


its all there.


rename a .smd file to be what u like.




itws205  is  a sword lvl 10




itws220  is the sword lvl 120.



rename the itws220 and write  itws205.  when u log ingame, buy a sword lvl 10 and u will see it like as 120 sword.


but theres no big point in this, unless u plan create ur own weapon  ;D


make a guide :D for the players


There probably already is somewhere, go search some forums xD.

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what u want is change the model, not the skin.


go to image/sinimage/item/dropitem


its all there.


rename a .smd file to be what u like.




itws205  is  a sword lvl 10




itws220  is the sword lvl 120.



rename the itws220 and write  itws205.  when u log ingame, buy a sword lvl 10 and u will see it like as 120 sword.


but theres no big point in this, unless u plan create ur own weapon  ;D


Its a little bit difficult, what does 205 and 220 means? I need to know what does the numbers means ...

Try to teach us a little bit more :D


I have axe and I want to change it, just make a table of axes numbers, swords number .. Etc.

It will help a lot of ppls to learn such a new thing :*

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each number means a weapon.


i dont know wich is wich, its too much thing to remenber.  if u want to find wich number if for a specific weapon, my suggestion is to search a "tga/bmp reader" . it was released long time ago and prob u can find it on forum or google.

this will make the tga and bmp readable.  open the skin and try o figure out wich model it belongs to.  the skin and the weapon usually have the same numbers.


and use some logic ofc.  next number usually means the next weapon.


i tell u itwa110 is diamond axe.

if im not wrong all xxx110 are 5x weapons.

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somethings the might help

first group:

it = item


Second group of letters

W = Weapon

D = Defense

the others i dunno


third group


B = Body

A = armor

S = Shield

G = Gauntlet

M = magic

P = Pole

A = Axe

C =Claw

H = Hammer

S = bow and Sword (dunno why S is for bow too)

T = Javellin



So based on this a scythe will always be itWP(its number).smd



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each number means a weapon.


i dont know wich is wich, its too much thing to remenber.  if u want to find wich number if for a specific weapon, my suggestion is to search a "tga/bmp reader" . it was released long time ago and prob u can find it on forum or google.

this will make the tga and bmp readable.  open the skin and try o figure out wich model it belongs to.  the skin and the weapon usually have the same numbers.


and use some logic ofc.  next number usually means the next weapon.


i tell u itwa110 is diamond axe.

if im not wrong all xxx110 are 5x weapons.


somethings the might help

first group:

it = item


Second group of letters

W = Weapon

D = Defense

the others i dunno


third group


B = Body

A = armor

S = Shield

G = Gauntlet

M = magic

P = Pole

A = Axe

C =Claw

H = Hammer

S = bow and Sword (dunno why S is for bow too)

T = Javellin



So based on this a scythe will always be itWP(its number).smd




thank u guys for ur new info..  ;D

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This might be what you are looking for: http://www.scheidlefreelance.com/download/Wartale%20Weapon%20Swapper.rar

I made it long ago, so it might not work correctly anymore plus newer items aren't included.

hi kenni !

thx u! and u can insest new item to u soft?

i need change sw 122 +20 to love sword but i can't find in the H:\GAMES\TESTFULL\image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem


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u problably will not be able to change the armors skins.


its a deeper problem it involves meshes names in 3ds, some .inx files.


u may be able to change the armor but if u zoom the camera it will become invisible

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This might be what you are looking for: http://www.scheidlefreelance.com/download/Wartale%20Weapon%20Swapper.rar

I made it long ago, so it might not work correctly anymore plus newer items aren't included.

hi kenni !

thx u! and u can insest new item to u soft?

i need change sw 122 +20 to love sword but i can't find in the H:\GAMES\TESTFULL\image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem


Maybe :)


Plus armors can also be added.

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This might be what you are looking for: http://www.scheidlefreelance.com/download/Wartale%20Weapon%20Swapper.rar

I made it long ago, so it might not work correctly anymore plus newer items aren't included.

hi kenni !

thx u! and u can insest new item to u soft?

i need change sw 122 +20 to love sword but i can't find in the H:\GAMES\TESTFULL\image\Sinimage\Items\DropItem


Maybe :)


Plus armors can also be added.

I'm here and waiting for you!!

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