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Clan stats - for fun only

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I was a bit bored today so I decided to do something to kill time.

When I saw the ranking I wondered how many people on the ranking each clan has, so I did it.


PS1: I'm not doing this to show if any clan is better than others, after all it doesn't prove much.

PS2: I did this today morning server time, so there might be some changes already.




Some curious things:

- No clan has at least one member of each different char.

- The most disputed rankings are FS and KS where you need to at least 137 to be there, while the less disputed one is MGS, where you need to be 129.


I guess that will be interesting to compare with future ones.



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This is awesome Neog :D


BTW LimaoVoador had a knight yesterday, but he changed class :P

So we would have had 1 of each class

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