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S>Shop item 12x[Guantles 124 MGS BSM][update 23.4]

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I want sell something item. The list item, you can see in my picture.




This is price:

1. Orb 120+20 pris: a/w: 750kk (sold)

2. bractles 124 MGS: a/w 350kk (sold 250kk+50 Eternal Life)

3. Bractles 124 FS: a/w 350kk

4. wedding MGs,AS: a/w 110kk






1. Bractles 124 Pris BSM: a/w 350kk

2. Guantles 124 Pris BOM: a/w 350kk (sold 300kk for ctrlf4)

3. Boots 124 Pris BOM: a/w 350kk

4. Orb 120+20 pris: a/w 750kk





1. Robe 124+18 pris: a/w 700kk

2. Robe +20 pris: a/w 1.5kk (sold for MechHot 1.2kkk)



= Guantles 124 MGS BSM: a/w 350kk


Buy mirage, inferna, enigma a lot of (>20 pcs). Who sell pls pm me in box.


Pm ingame: AmenX (Pris 132) or xLikeYou1x

Thanks for ur reading.

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update 8.4.2013. buy 30x oredo 12kk/each. who sell pm me in game. Thanks

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