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About T5 skill ATA

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  hi GM !

Pls check the Amazon Rage Skill of Ata ( T5 skill ) It 's only have 24 seconds ( lv7 ) . If it only use only with that time , I think that skill is useless !

  Or if that skill bug , Pls fix it !

  Thanks GM

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fix this bug... lvl10 amazon rage duration 30 sec  ???

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Level 10 - Skill lasts 30 seconds, 2 minutes delay.

Better than 5 lasting 5 minutes and 15 minutes delay :D

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Ata need improves...

stay bad in pvp... and many people like me love ata...

but stay hard play with this char becaus dont kill nothing in bc :(

really sad... and AmR long delay! :(

Ata is gonna get big skill balance update next patch



one suggestion:


Amazon Rage isn't one long duration buff.

decrease the duration to 100 sec (level 10) and decrease DELAY to 300 sec

i prefer my suggestion  :P :P

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I dont want to offend the gm or anything for his hard work but..... 30 sec is really useless. My sis stopped playing her ata thanks to this. Felt really bad for her. The fact that atas were looking forward to amazon rage for almost a year or even longer only to have it deliverd with a delay broke alot of ata players. Including my sis.


no disrespect raw, but from time to time you say someone quit because of this, someone quit because of that...


Perseverance is key.

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I dont want to offend the gm or anything for his hard work but..... 30 sec is really useless. My sis stopped playing her ata thanks to this. Felt really bad for her. The fact that atas were looking forward to amazon rage for almost a year or even longer only to have it deliverd with a delay broke alot of ata players. Including my sis.


no disrespect raw, but from time to time you say someone quit because of this, someone quit because of that...


Perseverance is key.


It's common arg now to say that brothers/sis/friends quit due to X and Y


not surprised tho

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I first started a mage thinking about exping.

Mage used to be the best exping class in the game, and that's why I chose it.


After Ice Meteorite, mage got useless on exping.

Did I quit? No.

I started hunting val rings and bought exp service.


When I reached 134, I started exping on my own with Tulla and FA Quest.

136 and on I started exping on Exp Maps with a PRIEST!

I actually bought a 128 priest and used it to exp my mage...


The point is: you should learn to adapt.

Or fight for what you want, whatever you do, don't give up!

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Level 10 - Skill lasts 30 seconds, 2 minutes delay.

Better than 5 lasting 5 minutes and 15 minutes delay :D

no. better is Level 10 - Skill lasts 1 minute, 2 minutes delay  :D

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Amazon Rage changed to 60 sec duration and 200 sec cooldown on Level 10


it should be a minute but it is 30 secs in game.

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I think better to keep as old 5 and 5min, better than 30sec and 2min

Cause 30 second can't kill any mob on hunt map and took a lot of Mana/STM

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