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archers and ata very high mana and stam consumption

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I think its too much. as and ata have already -attack rating penalty when using t5 buff

and now double the mana and stam consumption when using t5 buff..

this means that we need to carry more stam and mana pots when hunting which is bad

because we only have very small weight limit..

any comments from fellow as or ata...

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I think its too much. as and ata have already -attack rating penalty when using t5 buff

and now double the mana and stam consumption when using t5 buff..

this means that we need to carry more stam and mana pots when hunting which is bad

because we only have very small weight limit..

any comments from fellow as or ata...


noob  ::) ::)

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I don't see much of use on Phoenix Speed hunting tbh

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ridiculous is 30% evade that Phoenix Speed gives

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all is saying ridiculous  ;D ;D


any other comment  ;D ;D

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I don't see much of use on Phoenix Speed hunting tbh

with t5 u just can use 8 ph shot..

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Well, i think is ok now, firt time 5 minutes with skill, 15 minutes delay

Second: 5 minutes skill, 10 delay.

Third: 30 seconds, 2 minutes delay

Now is ok, 90 seconds, 2 minutes delay, and who´s care about mana and stam? BUY IT or DROP It!!

And yes, IM  ATA and to me is ok now, if u have problem dont use the skill and be happy.

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If this would change archer would become even stronger in pvp, I dunno if thats a good idea.

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nice idea, coz we need always use sp and mp down and this a crap.

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archers and ata very high mana and stm consumption when buff tier5 skill.

How about others? About fighter and priestess, they have t5 buff skill. Why don't make they consumption STM and mana like us?

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All t5 buff skills consume alot of mana and stm? are ranger the only chars you have played?

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archers and ata very high mana and stm consumption when buff tier5 skill.

How about others? About fighter and priestess, they have t5 buff skill. Why don't make they consumption STM and mana like us?


+1...Btw atas. have better dps these days than archers  :)

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archers and ata very high mana and stm consumption when buff tier5 skill.

How about others? About fighter and priestess, they have t5 buff skill. Why don't make they consumption STM and mana like us?



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