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Collector's wish quest

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Location: Cursed island of a lost civilization.

Tip: The first artifact he is looking for is carried by the elite archers.



Location: Same as the previous quest.

Tip: The artifact he is looking for is a dark axe.



Location: Same as the two previous quests.

Tip: The third artifact is a staff which has been used by magical gifted residents.



Location: Same as the three previous quests.

Tip: The fourth artifact is a scythe, wielded only by the elite warriors of the island.



Location: The sword is located deep in the heart of the island near an ancient temple.

Tip: The last artifact he is looking is a sword, wielded by an arch-mage.

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Quest 1: Kill Dark Guard in Lost of Chaos

Quest 2: Kill Dark Phalanx in Lost of Chaos

Quest 3: Kill Dark Mage in Lost of Chaos

Quest 4: Kill Bloody Knight in Lost of Chaos

Quest 5: Kill Mokova in Dark Temple

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I have been doing this quest for finding the Dark Axe now for such a long time...

It still did not drop with me.

How does this come?





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It'll come, its not that rare or impossible to get. Just have some patience.

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