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General questions

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I haven't played for 2 years so I have forgetten a few things and some other are new to me:



  • Can you respec sheltoms, rings or amulets?
  • Is there a way to place more than one item in a personal shop with the same price?
  • Can you use a spec rune to try to add a spec to an NS item?
  • Is there a way to check all completed quests including realmpt exclusive ones instead of checking by yourself one by one?
  • Is there an option that lets you accept party invites automatically?
  • Is there a mixing list in game? Or only on the website?
  • Can you scroll chat up and down?
  • Is trade chat the only one to communicate with the whole server?
  • Can you complete fury quest level 120 by killing fury in the last round of Bellatra? Will you get his shield?
  • "Spawns every 3 hours in a special location"... does that mean at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 etc server time?

more will come, thx :P

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I don't think so, you have to go one by one;


Only online;

Yes, Enter + Page Up/Down;

Yes. It's the only way to talk to all players in all servers at once;


Yes, except for tulla that spawns at 1:00,4:00,... (No bosses spawn at midnight).

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thanks a lot, really!


could you tell me more on #2? How can I do that? :D



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thanks a lot, really!


could you tell me more on #2? How can I do that? :D


The usual way.

Just add the price to the item :D


Keep in mind that after you have done all Rank up Quests and the quest Food Bandits, you will be able to carry 1kkk ( gold).

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Maybe my question was not very clear then :P


I mean, can you place an item (for example a celesto for 1kk) and then add another one and have the same price automatically set for it without typing it again? I remember it was possible long time ago, I don't remember the shortcut or the way to do it. Or maybe I remember wrong.

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Then the answer is No :P


You have to individually set each one.

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are you sure? I thought it was possible :/


anyway, another question: does the bellatra player ranking work only on aphrodite? I did a few rounds today on poseidon and zeus but can't see my name

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You have to complete it by yourself:

Nobody can join your room, even if they leave, your score will not count and you have to finish round 8 alive.

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oh, so it's only if you reach the end!


I did 5,5k but i scored 2nd at the end of 6th round and stopped there... that's why :D


thank you!

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Quest lvl 120:



can anyone tell how is it possible to complete it nowadays?



Everybody is 130+ and hunts better bosses than fury. I tried to be in CT3 yesterday, 3 or 4 times and I was alone, on aphrodite.





The reward for that quest is great, it is a shame I can't complete it :(



P.S: even if i saw someone killing fury would I get the shield by just hitting the boss a few times or would I have to kill it myself?

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To complete the quest one member of your party has to hit the final blow at fury.

Therefore make sure you're in a party with most of the people attacking him!


Try calling for help on trade chat before fury spawns, some people might show up ^^

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