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S/T> ks, as, ps items

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selling these stuffs:


-ps Vring clean donate

m/b = 220kk

a/w = 250kk


-Chilean soccer BOM

m/b = 400kk

a/w= 450kk


-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade 122 wand prs+20 soLd

-thales armor +20 or trade to 124+20 ata armor dnate soLd

-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to as spec, prs robe/orb donate soLd

-boss set 1 ks BOM dnatesoLd

-120 ks gaunt BOM soLd

-120 ks boots BOM perf def abs soLd

-110 ks brace BOM soLd

-as soccer suit BOM soLd

-as Vring BOM dnate[\b] soLd

-as mokova boots bom donate[\b] soLd

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Guest Davket

selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

m/b : a/w shield?

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selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade wand prs

-boss set 1 ks BOM dnate

-120 ks gaunt BOM

-120 ks boots BOM

-110 ks brace BOM


m/b and a/w  shield and sw ?

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selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade wand prs

-boss set 1 ks BOM dnate

-120 ks gaunt BOM

-120 ks boots BOM

-110 ks brace BOM

i would like to trade:

axe 122+13+350kk perf -0-0-> ks sword 122+20

120 gaunt and boots bom ft -> 120 gaunt and boots ks bom

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selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate


i buy, how much you sell? PM Jenniferlopez

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selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

m/b : a/w shield?


selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade wand prs

-boss set 1 ks BOM dnate

-120 ks gaunt BOM

-120 ks boots BOM

-110 ks brace BOM


m/b and a/w  shield and sw ?


selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate


i buy, how much you sell? PM Jenniferlopez


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

m/b = 4k coins

a/w = 5k coins


-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade wand prs

m/b = 3k coins

a/w = 4k coins


selling these stuffs:


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to ata donate

-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade wand prs

-boss set 1 ks BOM dnate

-120 ks gaunt BOM

-120 ks boots BOM

-110 ks brace BOM

i would like to trade:

axe 122+13+350kk perf -0-0-> ks sword 122+20

120 gaunt and boots bom ft -> 120 gaunt and boots ks bom


sry bro, only sell for golds/coins.

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trade orb 124 + 20 prs drop = shield 124 + 20 ks donate...pm me thanks

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orb 124 + 20 drop prs + top = shield 124 + 20 donate ks? pm me thanks.

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i would like to buy gaunt and boot 120 bom ks = 180kk. PM me in game bigbang2102 or send me an message. I am onl most of the time

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selling these stuffs:


-thales armor +20 or trade to 124+20 ata armor dnate soLd

m/b = 5k

a/w = best offer


-124+20 ks shield donate or trade to prs robe/orb donate

m/b = 4k coins

a/w = 5k coins


-122+20 ks sword perf -0 -0 or trade 122 wand prs+20

m/b = 3k coins

a/w = 4k coins


-boss set 1 ks BOM dnate

m/b = 2k coins

a/w = 2.8k coins


-120 ks gaunt BOM soLd

m/b = 80kk

a/w = 100kk


-120 ks boots BOM perf def abs soLd

m/b = 110kk

a/w= 140kk


-110 ks brace BOM soLd

m/b = 50kk

a/w= 70kk


-ata soccer suit BOM

m/b = 300kk

a/w= 40kk


-ps Vring bom donate

m/b = 250kk

a/w = 260kk


i buy soccer suit BOM = 40kk pm me ingame imaginary-Lonz


BUMP  8)

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Set Boss 1 Dnt Ks Of You = 1 T-Ring Ms Drop Mix BSM Abs : 3.6 Spi 80 Nice stat + 1 Fury Ms 3-4 + 1 Tulla Ms Clean .

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hey Bro ! ur Chile Soccer Armor Sold ? If not , pm me ur price or pm ingame Luka.Millfy ! Ty Much

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how much for ks ka or ks val?


ka and vrings are already sold! only left is dgs.. sry i forgot to edit :P

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idol ano mix sa Vring mo?? dnt yan?


clean donate nkalagay sa post idol ;)

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sw 122 94 talent?


yes 94 tal perf dmg.. but sry i forgot to edit! it is already been sold  :-\

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