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Auction House Development???

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Why was Auction House removed from Development list?

It would be really cool if RPT had a Auction House system similar to Diablo III.

I will post a video of a tutorial that shows how the AH from D3 is.

I am not here to advertise the game, but to improve our server and suggesting something only for our benefit.

What do you guys think?

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AH is the best thing that could happen with the market of the server, it wouldn't just make it easier to the people who are selling itens, it would make a lot easier for low lvl characters 100~116 to find their lvl itens.

Nowadays it is really hard to find itens on this level gap, for example, i am a 111 Pikeman and i'm stil using 100, 104, 106 gear.. it would really improve the server.

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We need this, I'm tired of running around the whole friggin town to get my items :(

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I would prefer this Auction House on the top of the list of Development...

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T5 should come 1st, then directly followed up by AH system, we don't really need a Haunted House, Battle Arena and some other stuff on the list now.

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AH = Auction House? :P


I do understand if sandurr wants to do something different as developing T5 now and then, but this Haunted House thingy, I dunno.


Also Battle Arena is kind of a waste atm :/

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An AH should be your top priority acctually cause this game REALLY needs it would make things so much easier and effective if you could just look for it in an auction house especially if the items stay in there while you are offline even if only for like 24 hours or somthing then you have to replace it in there again that would make it alot effective for ous high lvl people and i think alot more people would sell low lvl items too since they dont need to put up shop and stuffs i remember when i was low lvl was pretty much impossible to get 120- items pretty much same now too from what i seen in shops so this would be really awsome hope it will come out in not that long :D

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Would appreciate if a member of the staff answered...

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i think its impossible to do this in game due the game engine




the official brazilian pt have a system that runs in your browser that can do it. it goes to an e-market in their site



edit: ss


its in portuguese but u can understand the context

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i think its impossible to do this in game due the game engine




the official brazilian pt have a system that runs in your browser that can do it. it goes to an e-market in their site

it is possible, R1 already said it.

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i think its impossible to do this in game due the game engine




the official brazilian pt have a system that runs in your browser that can do it. it goes to an e-market in their site

it is possible, R1 already said it.

I don't know what is preventing them from starting to develop...they only have to win from this with faster and more efficient selling.

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