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auto pick up gold

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should create an auto to pick up gold just like in D3, when u just get close to the gold an it auto pick up

for many players that isn't high level enough to sod and get gold, picking them up would be a great pain on both fingers and mouse.

If you think this would upset the balance of current market, put in an option if chose auto pick up would only pick up 50% of the gold instead of 100%.

I think it would save us the money to replace new mouse.

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That would be MF botters paradise! '-'

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^Much botters will come indeed.

Just no, dont be lazy; pick it up yourself.

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That would be MF botters paradise! '-'


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this is a FS skill t5 haha

Helion , FS T5 Skill was supposed to do that .

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this is a FS skill t5 haha

Helion , FS T5 Skill was supposed to do that .


u mean in early, we will found auto bot FS keep gold?

if yes, gogo auto pick up

or i offer new pet in shop that can keep gold auto

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autoloot gold is the best way to ruin rpt gold economy , imagine the ppl who are xping non stop like many bot prs ( as example , 14x prs from pn clan ) they would be fucking amazing rich , if auto loot gold they will get like 10kk /h x20h they bot every day...

i let you do the maths.... mystery forest would be even more when i was low lvl with mech i went there to get gold and i was able to take around 15kk/h at killing + looting , so with autoloot could be 20kk/h.

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want to autoloot gold ??

see my signature first


LoL  ;D

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