gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 UPDATED: Now does armors, shields, orbs and all weapons and has a new UI Aging calculator will now show reccomended intervals of use for aging stones and such like, it is not possible to not select a weapon/defence category now before aging. Colours of aging % chance change dependant upon which stone should be used. MOST UP TO DATE DOWNLOAD BELOW! Exe here(its in a zip folder so u can scan for viruses when it downloads if you are paranoid):http://www.sendspace.com/file/u8vngl Source below: Public Class Form1 Dim mindam Dim maxdam Dim atkrt Dim critic Dim magp Dim agecount = 1 Dim wtyp Dim checkfile Dim addlv = 0 Dim itlvl As Integer = 0 Dim checkc As Boolean = False Private Sub age_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles age.Click If dmgmin.Text >= 0 And dmgmax.Text <= 9999999 Then If checkc = False Then dmgmin.Enabled = False dmgmax.Enabled = False atkrtg.Enabled = False mp.Enabled = False crit.Enabled = False itlvl = lvl.Text atkrt = atkrtg.Text mindam = dmgmin.Text maxdam = dmgmax.Text critic = crit.Text magp = mp.Text wtype.Enabled = False checkfile = stf.Checked stf.Enabled = False lvl.Enabled = False If checkfile = True Then MsgBox("Aging Logs will be stored to C:\GzuzAging") End If checkc = True End If ageone() agecount = agecount + 1 End If End Sub Private Sub ageone() If agecount < 20 Then addlv = Mid(agecount / 2, 1, 1) itlvl = lvl.Text + CInt(addlv) ElseIf agecount >= 20 Then addlv = Mid(agecount / 2, 1, 2) itlvl = lvl.Text + CInt(addlv) End If If wtyp = 0 Then If agecount <= 9 Then mindam = mindam + 1 maxdam = maxdam + 1 atkrt = atkrt + 10 ElseIf agecount >= 10 And agecount <= 19 Then mindam = mindam + 2 maxdam = maxdam + 2 atkrt = atkrt + 10 ElseIf agecount >= 20 And agecount <= 30 Then mindam = mindam + 3 maxdam = maxdam + 3 atkrt = atkrt + 10 End If ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") ListBox1.Items.Add("Weapon Result on +" & agecount) ListBox1.Items.Add("Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam) ListBox1.Items.Add("AtkRtg-" & atkrt) ListBox1.Items.Add("Level-" & itlvl) ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") If checkfile = True Then If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\GzuzAging") = False Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\GzuzAging") End If My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Weapon Result on +" & agecount & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "AtkRtg-" & atkrt & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Level-" & itlvl & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) End If age.Text = "+" & agecount + 1 If agecount >= 20 Then age.Enabled = False End If ElseIf wtyp = 1 Then If agecount <= 9 Then mindam = mindam + 1 maxdam = maxdam + 1 critic = critic + 0.5 atkrt = atkrt + 5 ElseIf agecount >= 10 And agecount <= 19 Then mindam = mindam + 2 maxdam = maxdam + 2 critic = critic + 0.5 atkrt = atkrt + 5 ElseIf agecount >= 20 And agecount <= 30 Then mindam = mindam + 3 maxdam = maxdam + 3 critic = critic + 0.5 atkrt = atkrt + 5 End If ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") ListBox1.Items.Add("Weapon Result on +" & agecount) ListBox1.Items.Add("Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam) ListBox1.Items.Add("Crit-" & critic) ListBox1.Items.Add("AtkRtg-" & atkrt) ListBox1.Items.Add("Level-" & itlvl) ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") If checkfile = True Then If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\GzuzAging") = False Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\GzuzAging") End If My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Weapon Result on +" & agecount & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Crit-" & critic & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "AtkRtg-" & atkrt & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Level-" & itlvl & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) End If age.Text = "+" & agecount + 1 If agecount >= 20 Then age.Enabled = False End If ElseIf wtyp = 2 Then If agecount <= 9 Then mindam = mindam + 1 maxdam = maxdam + 1 critic = critic + 0.5 ElseIf agecount >= 10 And agecount <= 19 Then mindam = mindam + 2 maxdam = maxdam + 2 critic = critic + 0.5 ElseIf agecount >= 20 And agecount <= 30 Then mindam = mindam + 3 maxdam = maxdam + 3 critic = critic + 0.5 End If ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") ListBox1.Items.Add("Weapon Result on +" & agecount) ListBox1.Items.Add("Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam) ListBox1.Items.Add("Crit-" & critic) ListBox1.Items.Add("Level-" & itlvl) ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") If checkfile = True Then If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\GzuzAging") = False Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\GzuzAging") End If My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Weapon Result on +" & agecount & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Crit-" & critic & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Level-" & itlvl & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) End If age.Text = "+" & agecount + 1 If agecount >= 20 Then age.Enabled = False End If ElseIf wtyp = 3 Then If agecount <= 9 Then mindam = mindam + 1 maxdam = maxdam + 1 magp = magp + 10 atkrt = atkrt + 10 ElseIf agecount >= 10 And agecount <= 19 Then mindam = mindam + 2 maxdam = maxdam + 2 magp = magp + 10 atkrt = atkrt + 10 ElseIf agecount >= 20 And agecount <= 30 Then mindam = mindam + 3 maxdam = maxdam + 3 magp = magp + 10 atkrt = atkrt + 10 End If ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") ListBox1.Items.Add("Weapon Result on +" & agecount) ListBox1.Items.Add("Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam) ListBox1.Items.Add("MP-" & magp) ListBox1.Items.Add("AtkRtg-" & atkrt) ListBox1.Items.Add("Level-" & itlvl) ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") If checkfile = True Then If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("C:\GzuzAging") = False Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:\GzuzAging") End If My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Weapon Result on +" & agecount & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Min-" & mindam & " Max-" & maxdam & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "MP-" & magp & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "AtkRtg-" & atkrt & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "Level-" & itlvl & vbCrLf, True) My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\GzuzAging\" & wtype.Text & " Stat " & dmgmin.Text & " - " & dmgmax.Text & ".txt", "-----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf, True) End If age.Text = "+" & agecount + 1 If agecount >= 20 Then age.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub Private Sub wtype_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles wtype.SelectedIndexChanged If wtype.SelectedIndex = 0 Then mp.Enabled = False crit.Enabled = False atkrtg.Enabled = True crit.Text = 0 mp.Text = 0 wtyp = 0 ElseIf wtype.SelectedIndex = 1 Then mp.Enabled = False crit.Enabled = True atkrtg.Enabled = True mp.Text = 0 wtyp = 1 ElseIf wtype.SelectedIndex = 2 Then mp.Enabled = False crit.Enabled = True atkrtg.Enabled = False mp.Text = 0 atkrtg.Text = 0 wtyp = 2 ElseIf wtype.SelectedIndex = 3 Then mp.Enabled = True atkrtg.Enabled = True crit.Enabled = False wtyp = 3 End If End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged End Sub End Class Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ciroc 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 There is one already and it's online. I guess no one will download if it already exist one online. http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=84640.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lonz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 thanks gzuz There is one already and it's online. I guess no one will download if it already exist one online. http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=84640.0 this Perfect Items Tool is ok to check the correct age/mix Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 nice! +10000 make soft and we can download in computer? From that exact thread, that one is only for perfect items, with mine you can input any value and it will give you the correct one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwydion 3 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 nice! +10000 make soft and we can download in computer? From that exact thread, that one is only for perfect items, with mine you can input any value and it will give you the correct one. Great one zuz :'3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 updating program now to show success chance at each age level. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 Updated: Program now shows correct success chance for every aging level. http://www.sendspace.com/file/kp78ke I may add an item slot in the program with a toolbar at the side where you can drag and drop aging stones to see different effects and aging chances. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 http://www.sendspace.com/file/vi8xgp <---- Most Up to date version Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gzuz 0 Report post Posted May 9, 2013 http://www.sendspace.com/file/u8vngl Latest link, corrects an error with armor aging %, pt doesnt actually increment in 5% stages, more like 4.95815% per age which was throwing off the calculation by over 17 points at +20. Aging percent chance colour changes dependant on which stone should be used. Cannot start aging without selecting item type now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites