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Enable/Disable Xp pot/3 eye

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I saw the time will stop when we are in a town, and i had an idea, why not just make it enable/disable whenever u want?


I like to xp then hunt, lets says i make 20% xp per day then go hunt, so i disable my xp when get 20% then enable 3 eye to hunt.


What do u think guys? Also i wonder if its possible or not ( need Wartale here to reply)


Also when u are in bc u disable both.


Or even when u enter in a map that is a hunt map ur xp pot disable auto. When u enter in a map thats a xp map ur 3 eye disable!


When u go bc or a town both disable!

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And then he would have to increase their price for donation as well as people would donate less of them? Nah, I don't think it's a good idea. Having them to disable at town is already AWESOME imo!


Compare to ePT. There the cash items run out even when logged out....  :o


Well its a suggestion bro, also for me is ok if increase a bit the price of em. Take it easy lol.

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Well to be honest I just see you complaining and suggesting new things a lot.. There's a big patch coming now, why don't you just wait and see what it brings, and take it easy for a while?  :)


fffs, u are get me wrong, im not complain at all 0_o

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To be honest  im just complain about noobs going to boss hit and run to loot items!

And about to nerf SA, i think its a normal thing cause its affecting myself.

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