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new skill is hellion ...why not now ?

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new skill is hellion ...why not now ?

we need a pet for hunt ^^ why do not we talk about gm

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That is not a vote to get a tank pet for a fighter, it is to determine which headband is worst. Ept has just implemented a tank pet for fs in their T5 skill set. Im not sure i aggree with fighters having them, myself as a fs would really like one for hunting, but if i did have one it would lessen my desire to party with others (outside of my clan) and just solo all the time, FS is already and incredibly powerful 1x1 character, in a hunt environment they are a perfect mix of atk pow, def and hp, add a pet into the equation they can spawn whenever they like they become virtually invincible in the battlefield. So again, i am unsure if this is a terribly great idea for the game as a whole.

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i agree with Gzuz i have a fighter too and with a tank pet too they would nearly be immortals on hunt maps and quest maps they already have power/hp/def ^^

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i think it would be neat, however i also like the hellion idea that loots gold, with maybe a switch like others have (loot/tank) similar to {Auto/Manual} perhaps this Pet for tank cold be the hellions but they all attack monster instead of one big tank. Additionally they would be weaker in hp and dmg to say the wolf or golem or chimera or fifi, divided by the number of hellions the skill summons. essentially this would make multiple tanks, which helps fighter that doesn't have AoE skill from stray monsters, and makes somewhat of a more difficult hunt because they would die faster and the fighter would be damaged or possibly die in between the next hellion taking the attention, similar to having out multiple crystals.



perhaps this was in mind in the creation of them hence they have HP so the monster must already attack them.

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Hellions don't tank, they don't attack too, they are like your ribbon hopy :)

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umm.helion is a looter.so when we are exping.he loots for golds i think. :D

i might badly need that skill. :)




~ YourDeadNigga

Figther 105

newbie :D

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a gold looter.... no way thats like saying WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF RPT WHERE YOU CAN GET FREE GOLD :D seriously would be heaven for botters :P

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