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S> Mage Items

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Hello im selling the following items :


Boots 120 Mage -2 def -0.2 Abs = a/w = 35kk

Brace 120 Mage lvl/1 -2 Def = a/w = 35kk

Robe 120 Mage Inferna Mix = a/w = 6kk

Orb 120 Mage +5 = a/w = 7kk

Orb 110 Mage +13 = a/w = 10kk

Oredo Mage add 130 def = a/w = 12kk

Spirit Ring Mage = a/w = 2kk

Spirit Ring Mage = a/w = 2kk

Spirit Amulet Mage = a/w = 2kk


If you want to buy pm me ingame :)


My IGN : BotChien

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