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Is Inner Soul worth using ?

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I think Sacrifice 10% critical rate for 160 attack rate and 8% attack speed is not worth it. 160 attack rate does help with Destroyer but it is not significant. Fighter have decent critical chance and that's what make him strong so why sacrifice it for 160 AR and 8% AS ?

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its not 10% critical , only -10 rate not %

it\s the same xD

btw if you ahve concentration lvl10 it will grant you 320 ATK RTG and 15% attack speed. but i prefer using swift axe :D

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its not 10% critical , only -10 rate not %

it\s the same xD

btw if you ahve concentration lvl10 it will grant you 320 ATK RTG and 15% attack speed. but i prefer using swift axe :D


Ah I see. I thought Swift axe only increase 8% attack speed. 15% attack speed and 320 ARate is actually worth trading for 10% critical chance. No wonder Fighter is so strong in Rpt, PvP only though.

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Sorry to dig up the topic, but it's not clear for me yet, is better to use the inner soul plus swift axe ? Or concentration is still better ?


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Sorry to dig up the topic, but it's not clear for me yet, is better to use the inner soul plus swift axe ? Or concentration is still better ?


Inner soul plus swift axe and make a speed mix :D

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So i would like to know if this skills has adicional atk rating from concentration..

Im currently using Swif axe and inner soul but then in noticed that in the skill description its says 100% chain concentration...so if i put conc 10 it will passively add more atk rating to my inner soul? thx

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Yea, it will. Inner soul automatically activates concentration and can be used simultaneously with swift axe.

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