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Changes on Quest Ct3 - abs and atk more

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as stated on topic, i realised that sandurr actually make the cursed even more.

not gonna be easy for 12x to do this quest. i've got like 38 abs after i killed 200 mobs and like 4xx-5xx atk dmg.

i think the previous patch is better.

Any idea to make it better?


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It sux getting hit kill even with that few abs...

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It sux getting hit kill even with that few abs...


imagine us with 4xx-5xx i dont know what those 12x will be?

maybe 2xx-3xx? lol take long time killing it.

I would suggest back the previous patch. Just nice for everything.

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My AS stays with 2x abs full donate u.u


At least you have 52% evasion and 10% block to back you up. My Knight only have 3x abs and a rubbish shield to survive the mobs... Tanking with Knight in Ct quest now becomes near impossible without going 400 HP points.

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lol i don't understand whats the big deal lol... my knight in CT3 stays during quest with about 86 abs + 7xx-8xx dmg lol and he is 125 xD not even using 100 pots during the quest xD

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lol i don't understand whats the big deal lol... my knight in CT3 stays during quest with about 86 abs + 7xx-8xx dmg lol and he is 125 xD not even using 100 pots during the quest xD


Seriously u got no clue what the hell is going on


dont post anything if u got no clue


my knight 134 better gears than ur  knight and got 38 abs


and ur 125 ..... JUST LOOL!

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Let a MS tank and your fine.


Because one of ur clanmates log on his mech and tank for all of u without taking Quest


Dont Think all ppl like u or like ur clanmate btw



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Let a MS tank and your fine.


Because one of ur clanmates log on his mech and tank for all of u without taking Quest


Dont Think all ppl like u or like ur clanmate btw

I don't know what you talkin' about, but I don't ask my clanmate to tank lol.

I just ask for a Party, and most of the CT3 Q Party's have a good tanker...

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get urself a mage with alot of health, problem solved.

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stop replying with dumb answers


we are saying that old CT3 Quest was much better and it is


keep ur opinion for ur self 

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I don't see why you are provocating here, this is a forum, we have the right to give our opinions.

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not gonna be easy for 12x to do this quest.


In my opinion, maybe Wartale found that people level up so quick compare with what

he imagined at the beginning to make to CT3 quest, then he changed the condition

of CT3 quest becoming more difficult.


You 12x and you can join a party to do CT3 quest, not mean Wartale must left

you enough strong to do that quest. If so, you will 13x soon(and how can he sell

level by donate?). In this case, I think it is better for you to join ET1 quest; and CT3

quest just used for 13x & 14x.



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get urself a mage with alot of health, problem solved.


Everyone should play with the class he like ,,, at the beginning i have chosen knight not a mage or mech


every class should be able to level up ...  i dont like other class's 


now everyone is forced to change class .. LOL


CT3 more fun than AD3 or AD2  .. Click click click


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In my opinion, maybe Wartale found that people level up so quick compare with what

he imagined at the beginning to make to CT3 quest, then he changed the condition

of CT3 quest becoming more difficult.


You 12x and you can join a party to do CT3 quest, not mean Wartale must left

you enough strong to do that quest. If so, you will 13x soon(and how can he sell

level by donate?). In this case, I think it is better for you to join ET1 quest; and CT3

quest just used for 13x & 14x.


In my opinion, you should quit accusing people based on ridiculous conspiracies.


I changed the quest. Having problems when you go past the 150 kills? Get a better party or level up. 150 kills will already give you a great reward so don't be ungrateful. It's not like the quest is impossible, you can reach 50 kills and get rewarded nonetheless. Any good party of 12x players shouldn't have too much trouble reaching the 175+ kills either so it's fine. Will they die a few times along the way? Perhaps. Will it be worth it? Most definitely.

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I agree with 3r....we do partys with 12x people and we die a few times but we get it done!

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lol i did CT3 with pt full of 12x and reached 200 no problem xD full PT of 12x takes like 30-35 mins :P

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Dear GM/GD

I wish Quest CT3 would be equal to any class, it's not fair to knight, almost any forming party Quest CT3 prefers tanker, killer and ranger, it means pri, mage, mech, ata, archer are easier to join a party than knight or pikeman/fighter.

I know undead Quest maybe easier to Knight but if that lvl 120-127 is the long way for knight reach lvl 128...

I desire GM please do the Q more easier to knight, may can be tanker by increase abs in Quest.

That just my idea, but please consider!

Thanks for watching!


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