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SOTW #6 Voting

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A - iniVini




B - Glau.




C - Aafr0dite




D - Gogg




E - RauL~



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my vote for Gogg :)


Glau sig, well didn't make any changes what so ever, it looks good but I seen it all over the forum for few months now, so I voted for Gogg.


People are just too lazy nothing original, at least make some changes to the signature...

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my vote for Gogg :)


Glau sig, well didn't make any changes what so ever, it looks good but I seen it all over the forum for few months now, so I voted for Gogg.


People are just too lazy nothing original, at least make some changes to the signature...

lmao I have seen you enter sotw too with old sigs so don't tell any1 not to.


I voted invini,

B = old

C = Fugly

D = creative but not really special or sumthing xD

E = old

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my vote for Gogg :)


Glau sig, well didn't make any changes what so ever, it looks good but I seen it all over the forum for few months now, so I voted for Gogg.


People are just too lazy nothing original, at least make some changes to the signature...

lmao I have seen you enter sotw too with old sigs so don't tell any1 not to.


I voted invini,

B = old

C = Fugly

D = creative but not really special or sumthing xD

E = old



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I changed my it wasn't the same!


lmao I have seen you enter sotw too with old sigs so don't tell any1 not to.


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Congratulations iniVini


You are the winner of SOTW #6

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