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wich char is better for damage?

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hello people. in your opinion, wich character should I choose to get the highest possible damage of all 8 of them?

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Damage can be divided to 3 kinds:


Hunting: Highest damage per second, it's mean you need both attack speed and damage. In this case Auto Mech and Ata shine the most.


AoEing: Highest damage can deal to a large amount of mobs. Pri and Mage undoubtedly rule over this. But I guess you not asking about this.


PvPing: Burst damage. You need to hit people with the highest damage possible you can deal. In this case Fighter, Pike and Archer really shine. I believe Ata have higher dps than Archer in hunting but for killing in PvP Archer is must better due to high damage of Phoenix shot. Fighter and Pike have many skill to increase the maximum output of their damage on single target.


Knight and Mech power have good dps and their damage is fine in PvP but they do not excess at anything. If you want best damage dealer then no Mech and Knight for you.

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ohh i see... what about highest possible ranger damage? would that be auto mech, ata or archer?

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Archer is highest burst damage ranger in PvP but have really low defense. Auto Mech is the best hunter since I heard he can reach more than 2k damage and have 14 attack speed + Golem tank but he cannot PvP at all, just highest dps. Full +20 item Auto mech and BSM Gaia armor 130 could not win against my Knight 122 (of course my item is pretty decent to win against him). But Archer can hunt just fine too.


Ata is about utility, slow, stun in PvP, Soul sucker in PvE and have the highest defense between the three if you do not build pure. I guess you should pick an Archer or Ata if you want to do both PvE and PvP.


But to answer your question, pure Agi Archer have the highest damage but with the lag, it is really hard to play pure agi Archer.

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104% extra damage per critical - and he can reach more than 50% of Critical Chance, and have the strongest spammable skill, Chain Lance

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104% extra damage per critical - and he can reach more than 50% of Critical Chance, and have the strongest spammable skill, Chain Lance


ok, but what about ranger?

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I like auto mech. Force Oredo, dame over 2.2 - 2.6k. Killing Speed is ~ 1 minute/each at DI, 40s/ each at IM.


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104% extra damage per critical - and he can reach more than 50% of Critical Chance, and have the strongest spammable skill, Chain Lance


ok, but what about ranger?

Ata will be the best choice

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for PVP/PVE: Puge Agility/Base HP archer ("Glass Cannon")....can kill anything. Phoenix shot and Perfo both IGNORE defense, so only abs/blk/evade can counter it.


Obviously the drawback is, you die in 1 or 2 hits because you have no HP/def/abs, only def/evade/blk can save you. But if you know how to play and know tactics... you can snipe people.


In hunting, I think pure agi/base hp Archer is stronger than Atlanta just because Archer using 2-hand bow and you will be fine as long as you dont TANK at all or else your dead. Although I think Pure agi ata with atk speed buff might be as powerful as pure agi Archer.


If you lag just one little bit... its game over lol.

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is kinda like that


hunting = auto ms...best char for hunting.    cant pvp at all {when u auto mech build i mean}

pvp =  my opinin is ata>as cus 2 simple thing

1 . ata can ice s

2. ata  have shield that might help cus better def/blk on pvp.

p.s = all of the tree rangers {ms/ata/as} are good to hunt..its just you ask what the best so ms its the char you look for

that about rangers chars on rpt


about melle chars pvp... i will go for ps...since have ice...vanish..cs..jc {that can kill 1 hit any1 if success 100%}  also cant ice him as well

also notice  that fs is high atk spped then ps and can use 1 hand to atk so better def /blk....but i will go for ps


about knight = they just fine to play cus they can do hunt/pvp but not max  dmg at all....


so its just about you....

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