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Guide - How to make use of the forum

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Hello fellowwtplayers!

If you don't know how to use this forums, please take a look into this guide, and it might help you!

This topic will be divided in some categories


I: Browsing through the forum

II: Posts & Topics

III: Profile Editing

IV: Messages



I: Browsing through the forums:

Once you've opened up thewtforums, you will see alot of categories, each of this category has sub-categorys which have their own meaning:

1) Game - In this category staff members will post game updates, events and new patches

2) Discussion - In here u post think related to the game (with exceptions to the boards Chit Chat and Garden of Freedom)

3) Market - This section is supposed to buy and sell items, accounts and accessories

4) Support - In this section u can report players, report bugs, request unban, lost item recovery etc...

5) Language Specific - In this section are some boards created, which has their own language. The current languages are: Portuguese, Vietnam, Filipino, Spanish and Chinese (中文).

/!\Note: Please make sure you post in the correct sections!


II: Posts and Topics:

If you decide to make a post or an topic, then here are some tips.

In each post you can decide for yourself if you want the text Bold or for example Italicized. Below is a guide with what each thing is:

2r41vgj.png: Bold (text is fat)

30hu8pf.png: Italicized (text is italic)

71lawh.png: Underline (text is underlined)

1089x6o.png: Strike through (text has a strike through it)

5prmok.png: Left Align (text is on left side of the post/topic)

2afhdsp.png: (text is centered)


e6wpib.png: (text is on right side of the post/topic)

Right Align

fk3z4k.png: Font Face (Font Face will change; ex. Impact)

6pxh5g.png: Font Size (size will become bigger; ex. Size = 8pt [small])

2ewmtdy.png: Change Color (change text color; ex. red)

/!\Note: I've only mentioned the most used tips for a post/topic!


III: Profile Editing

If you wish to edit your profile (like your avatar, or your signature) and don't know how; just look here ;)

Step 1: Go to your 'Profile':



Step 2: Hold your mouse on 'Modify Profile' and click on w/e you want to edit:


Red: Here you can edit your Email, Birth Date, etc...

Yellow: Here you can edit your Avatar, Signature, etc...

Green: Here you can pick your own forum look.

Blue: Here you can vieuw your notifications; ex. If you've recieved a warning, it will appear there.

Purple: Here you can vieuw your Personal Messages (for more info, vieuw category IV in this guide).

Orange: Here you can add friends/enemies to your friend/ignore list.


For those who got warned by something and want to see his warn percentage and why got warned:


Go to Profile -> Profile Info -> View Warnings




Then your warns infos will appear:





[x] If you got 100% as Warning Level your Forum Account will be banned;

[x] The Warning Level decrease 3% per day;

[x] Member Watched (20~49%), Member Moderated (50~59% - Your posts must be approved by a Forum Admin), Member Muted (60+% - You are not able to reply on forums).


IV: Messages:

If you want to tell someone something which is personal, you can make use of the Personal Message system.

It's an very easy system, which is explained below:


Step 1: Click on 'My Messages' on top of the forum:



Step 2: Hold your mouse on 'Messages' and click on 'New Message':


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For those who got warned by something and want to see his warn percentage and why got warned:


Go to Profile -> Profile Info -> View Warnings




Then your warns infos will appear:





[x] If you got 100% as Warning Level your Forum Account will be banned;

[x] The Warning Level decrease 3% per day;

[x] Member Watched (20~49%), Member Moderated (50~59% - Your posts must be approved by a Forum Admin), Member Muted (60+% - You are not able to reply on forums).

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None of the staff members notice this?


so you made this for you to be notice?

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It's a guide, it must be noticed, lol. If not, how could it help at all?

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No offense but i find this useless, i don't see people asking, how do i look for my warning %? how do i bold my text? how do i change font style? I don't see this guide as useful as other guides, people who are capable of using internet is able to use the forum, im not saying all but most, make other guides that are more helpful, and besides people don't really read instructions, they want to learn it on their own :)

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Well, I saw a guy who tried to help and I decided to help him to help (lol).


But, of course you cannot see people asking about warning and stuffs like that, you are not a Forum Admim, you are a regular member so,

why would you see things like that? rofl!


But if it's so important to you see here goes,  back in the old days Mercury made an explanation about how warning system works, but since, as I said before, it's old, it's mean that there's high chance of users don't know about and not even has known about this topic and its matter:


As I have been getting numerous PM's from users asking why they are still "muted" when they are in fact not I will write a small text so that you may understand this system better.




And guess what? recently we had an announce made by sandurr, about ''Forum Moderation'' [http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=82449.0] which means that things were going hot over here again, therefore, information like that are usefull for some players. After all that *we-cannot-talk-about* moves, SoD/SW and everything else, of course some players got warned/banned. What was fair or not, doesn't matter now, but that users should know about how the system works since now they meet it. :)


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Some one post report to GM to disclosure your ID for public seeing please using this only admin could see

[only_admin]Content here[/only_admin]

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