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win 7

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Thinking of switching to win7, was it really that horrible to play rpt with win 7 ? how come ? it should be better than win xp but i guess not ;P ?

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I have talked to people who had no problem playing pristontale on win7,

but to me its really horrible, its impossible to play because of the lag..

probably because pristontale was never designed for win7


edit, the new patch seems to solve this problem

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The problem with W7 and Vista 64bit was this, Sjoerd never figured out how to fix it.


I wrote this December 21, 2008, 3 years ago and submitted it to UPT tech forum and the problem was never fixed, maybe its fixed now with the new patch here but who knows.


I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit now, the problem is the same as it was in Vista, even updated GFX card to 9800 GTX+, still the same thing happens.



[Direct3D] - Vista Window Mode low FPS


rPT window mode generates low FPS in Vista because Hardware Direct3D is not being activated/detected on game.exe


Easy way to test this if Hardware D3D is being activated is to go into game, go to a map with lots of monsters, kill them then press A button to view items on ground, if your FPS drops to 1-5, that means Direct3D is not activated and game.exe is using the build in graphic drivers that came with vista or your laptop.


rPT full screen mode dose activate Hardware Direct3D, there for there is no fps log, its a technical problem how the game.exe is compiled.


There is no way to force direct3d on game.exe for window mode, seems this problem is related to the game.exe code for vista compatibility and desktop PCs.


This problem is related to nVidia Cards as I have one.


Vista Ultimate 64bit

Quadro FX 1700 512MB (latest nvidia drivers) & GeForce 8600GT 256MB (latest nvidia drivers)

Compatibility Windows XP sp2 set on game.exe

Theme to Classic


This problem dose not happen in Windows XP SP3 when I dual boot into XP Direct3D is being activated for Window Mode and Full Screen, this only happens in Vista.

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Wartale innovated the game engine - he wrote a brand new code, so the game should run smoother on the following operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7.


So give him a giant thanks!

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yeah ive heard they are gonna try to solve this issue now with the new patch :)


But if it doesnt work i dont wanna use it and then see that it lags and such, then ide rather stick to xp just for the sake of priston tale <3

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I've tried it with the update and its now 100% fine, love the update


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Yeah the lag is fixed, game runs very smooth on W7 64bit :)

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