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dont panic, im here :) "Picture of the Day"

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i love how people freakout when the sever is down for a maintenance LOL

they all like "I NEED MY FIX" LOL  ;D

lots of forum trolling going on  8)





so lets have a little fun while we wait on the sever to get back up.


find a screen shots you already have from RPT and make it funny.

feel free to use photo shop anyway you like. i just want to see some funny pics.

Captions or word bubbles are a couple ideas to use, have fun with it

we can call this "Picture of the Day"

you have until the sever is back up to post  ;D

the winner will get 1 Exp 24H Potion

(one picture per player please)


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keep in mind, i did say to make them funny. use photo shop if you want.


@fire: i can see it. post the pic here

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Title: 'The Troll Princess'


Ingame name: MaNuu

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dat paint crush skills lol...




edit: uploaded a .png file now im reuploading as .jpg, see if it works...

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got a few cool pics so far.. looking forward to seeing more

you still have time :P

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im not good in editing but i join for fun  ;D


title: cookies everywhere  :o

IGN: JinMy


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Title: Vegetables are healthy whatever hole you like to eat them, sometimes you might not even feel them =D.




IGN: LaChose




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Guest bahamott

so lets have a little fun while we wait on the sever to get back up.


find a screen shots you already have from RPT and make it funny.

feel free to use photo shop anyway you like. i just want to see some funny pics.

Captions or word bubbles are a couple ideas to use, have fun with it

we can call this "Picture of the Day"

you have until the sever is back up to post  ;D

the winner will get 1 Exp 24H Potion

(one picture per player please)



@bahamott- pick one and remove the other two. or not i will have to remove all three  :P

this is just for fun so im give you the chance to pick


Ok, removed.


keep calm, is only fun !!

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Well, lonz, maybe if you read than it would proceed to the website.

Change lala to suba in the link.

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The Walking Dead



Hi bahamott,

Are u sure u made this? Since the exact same image is on this website also ;)


                        ^^Change the 'lala' to suba.

For sure he didn't do this. The moment I layed my eyes on his pic I saw it was from a BPT player, Hyuuga Mhil.

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The Walking Dead



Hi bahamott,

Are u sure u made this? Since the exact same image is on this website also ;)


                        ^^Change the 'lala' to suba.

For sure he didn't do this. The moment I layed my eyes on his pic I saw it was from a BPT player, Hyuuga Mhil.


bahamott disqualified  :o

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@bahamott: its a damn shame, cuz this was a pretty sweet pic.

maybe you did make the pic under different name and if you did kudos to you, i like it

but regardless of who made it, it wasnt made in RPT

and for that reason alone, it is disqualified  :'(


please feel free to make a new pic to post. ;D


(so please stop spamming about it lol ty :P)

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