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Regarding XP

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Hey everybody,


So here's the thing, my prs is 118 and I dont know how to xp it. Someone have any suggestion ? whats the tip to level fast at this level ?



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Can u tank FT1?

If so; Solo there.


U can also try to get a party and train at FT2.

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If you have good gear, try tanking FT2. If you cannot tank FT2, tank FT1. I am also a priestess and I duo party with my clanmate who is a mech. He does all the tanking and I deal the damage. I wield a staff instead of a wand+orb to maximize my damage output. I am too poor to use force lol to supplement my training.


Once you are level 120. You can go to AD1. 75% of the monsters are undead which allow you to use holy reflection and extinction. The only thing is that you have to be able to tank in order to maximize your exp/hour because holy reflection works if you can tank damage. If you cannot tank, then the method described above with a teammate that can tank the hellspawn will do the trick. ; )

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I've tired xping in FT2 but I just noticed that the xp is very slow, I mean like very slow.

Do you use EXP Pot ? how much % do you make per hour ?

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Well, I'm level 125; I'm training by doing quests (CT3 Party Quest).

U could do ET1 Q for 5b xp per quest, but thats up to you.

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Speed of xp depends on what you personally call slow.

Anyways, as a priestess you should be able to get better xp at FT2 at your level but a party would be a hughe pré.

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