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Tanking AD1

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How much absorb is needed in order to decently solo tank AD1 using priestess?

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120 robe/orb age 120set bom boss set 1 bom


can tank in ad1 im lazy to compute how many abs is that

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I'd say 150 is about minimum for what is worth trying, though you'd have to use potions rather frequently and make sure to keep Muspell running at all times. Just watch for those Argos and Undead Slaves, they will be what kills you if you end up getting attacked by too many at once. Muspell pretty much makes you immune to damage from the undead monsters, but that short time between recasts can be dangerous. 170-190 should let you be rather comfortable, even if Muspell goes down a short time. I think 210 or thereabout would guarantee immortality.

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+1 for the advance breakdown of AD and the absorb required to train

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I guess that you need something like 170 ABS to tank and kill with no problems. With 200~205 you WON'T take more dmg.

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