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Meteorite vs Dia

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Which one does more damage?


I know that dia does x2 damage. Meteorite on the other hand castes 3 meteors each hitting the enemie 3 times. so that means each meteorite caste hits x9. So far, x9 is much higher than x2, so i'm going with meteorite does more damage than dia. Is this true?


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meteorite do more damage but have less range

dia hit every mob around you



i prefer dia for up in ad3

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Meteorite has a higher damage.



And it is a good way to train in a lower level if you have a partner tanker (MGS + MS tanker is a very good party on MD maps). But I prefer Dias to train on high level maps, I don't know explain why LOL xD I just prefer to use it, Dias do a good pushback on the mobs, combine it with Distortion and it give you a good way to suffer less damage on training in FT/AD maps.

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for me Ice Meteorite is fast in training

but other people say Diastrophism is better i dont know why Diastrophism is better bcoz dont have high lvl mgs i cant test  :(


but in training i go for prs have good buffs to undead mobs

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for me Ice Meteorite is fast in training

but other people say Diastrophism is better i dont know why Diastrophism is better bcoz dont have high lvl mgs i cant test  :(


but in training i go for prs have good buffs to undead mobs



i have test both, and prs kill faster but mage is easier to up, and dont spend mana or stamina! so if you are lazy like me, play mage with diaph :D

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for me Ice Meteorite is fast in training

but other people say Diastrophism is better i dont know why Diastrophism is better bcoz dont have high lvl mgs i cant test  :(


but in training i go for prs have good buffs to undead mobs



i have test both, and prs kill faster but mage is easier to up, and dont spend mana or stamina! so if you are lazy like me, play mage with diaph :D


why my friend ingame said mgs is better? she have 2chars too mgs and prs she test and he said mgs is fast



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if you want to tank better use dias, the pushback effect will help you to tank.

on the other hand, meteorite has a massive damage and kills monster faster that dias.


i used both of these skills in ad3. dias helps me tank and meteo kills the range monster.

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for me Ice Meteorite is fast in training

but other people say Diastrophism is better i dont know why Diastrophism is better bcoz dont have high lvl mgs i cant test  :(


but in training i go for prs have good buffs to undead mobs

this topic is about magician skills, then it is about Meteorite not Ice Meteorite...

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for me Ice Meteorite is fast in training

but other people say Diastrophism is better i dont know why Diastrophism is better bcoz dont have high lvl mgs i cant test  :(


but in training i go for prs have good buffs to undead mobs


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EPIC FAIL  :'( sorry.... dont have mgs

and thanks now i know mgs is the class so much i dont like

only 2skills i know magic source and dias  ;D


i never use mgs in train so for me dias is good why? BCOZ OF AUTO CLICKER LOL

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so after reading all the responses. What I am getting at is that meteor has higher damage than dia, but dia allows the mage to tank mobs because of the push back effect. Also dia has more range than meteor.


My final question: Is there a HUGE difference in exp between training with meteorite and diatrophism?

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Also, I know this question may be off topic if you read the title lol.


Question: Does meteorite do more damage than ICE METEORITE (priestess skill). Meteorite hits x9 and ICE METEORITE hits only x6.

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Also, I know this question may be off topic if you read the title lol.


Question: Does meteorite do more damage than ICE METEORITE (priestess skill). Meteorite hits x9 and ICE METEORITE hits only x6.


"Meteorite hit enemy 3 times per CAST", which mean that each time you use the skill, there are three meteor hitting, each hit only one. So Prs hit x6 and Mage only hit x3. Ice meteor also have slow.


Each hit meteor of Mage cause average damage better than prs (Meteor have smaller min-max different than Ice meteor and Meteor max damage ~ Ice Meteor max damage) but Prs hit twice as much as Mage. That's why people use Prs to leech AD3, not Mage.

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so after reading all the responses. What I am getting at is that meteor has higher damage than dia, but dia allows the mage to tank mobs because of the push back effect. Also dia has more range than meteor.


My final question: Is there a HUGE difference in exp between training with meteorite and diatrophism?

yes there is. im too lazy to do the math but exp feels nearly twice as fast when using meteor rather than dias. dias is for lazy training as previously stated, or a good tanking assistance

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Shaman Fighter

dia is for auto clickers ;D


Yes xD

Lazy Asses = Dias


But also they can auto click with meteor ._. will be a bit different but still auto :f

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