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Ice Meteorite Bug

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Is anyone noticing this bug or is just me? When training, my stamina is draining fast. I find myself potting stamina like a hungry beast. I quickly determine that every time i caste ice meteorite, the spell drains 200 - 225 stamina points when ice meteorite is suppose to eat up 115 stamina points.


I have 1200 stamina points and I am only able to caste around 10 ice meteorites before potting. I just did a test, and I have to pot every 7 caste of ice meteorite.


I already posted this as a bug in the bug forum, but the GMs have not responded.

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I can't reproduce it. What level IM are you using (10 I assume)? Where do you train? Do you have any effects active on you?

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I am reproducing it as we speak. it's like i reproduce the results naturally. It might just be a bug in my account. I am training in FT1 front hellspawn entrance. I am training with my mech clanmate who is just purely tanking for me. I am training with a staff and using level 10 ice meteorite. more than half the time, ice meteorite requires 200+ stamina to caste when it is suppose to cost 115 stamina.

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no effects are on me. I am not even using muspell or virtual life because i do not get hit (mech clanmate tanks all hits for me). Not even gravitation is used on me.

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The problem is the Mech, not you. Some class like Mech, Ata, AS buff Tier5, they consume double the amount of mana and stamina. The Graviatation buff of Mech affect everyone in the party but they cannot see it. May be the bug is that if you are affected by Gravitation, you receive the penalty as well (you should not receive it). Report it to GM so they can check it.

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I already reported it. no response from the GMs in the bug report section of the forum.


That's a reasonable explanation as to why ice meteorite is consuming more than 200 stamina points. I wonder if anyone has the same effects as I am having.

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I too am experiencing this bug. Everyone tells me to use the skill but the skill DRAINSSSS my stm. Almost to the point of not using it. Ice Meteorite lvl 2

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What is your bug situation? for example, mine is partying with a mech. are you also partying with someone?

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not partying but a much higher level mech was tanking using his buffs. still not in party though. just in same room same map

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I have posted three bugs regarding the ice meteorite spell at level 10.

1.  takes up more than 200 stamina

2.  Takes up more than 200 mana

3.  When you have 115 stamina and 140 mana and caste ice meteorite at level 10, sometimes the caste doesn't work but it still drains stamina and mana.

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I have posted three bugs regarding the ice meteorite spell at level 10.

1.  takes up more than 200 stamina

2.  Takes up more than 200 mana

3.  When you have 115 stamina and 140 mana and caste ice meteorite at level 10, sometimes the caste doesn't work but it still drains stamina and mana.



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How to fix this issue

Now my pris get this bug and my Stamina pots flies away very fast :(

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Try to notice that if you are in AD3. If you run out of mobs coming from the spawn. Your mana bar will go down without using any skill. -_-

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(Don't know if it's true, but:) As described in a bug report someone said, if doing Ice Meteor by clicken on a MOB, u use twice the STM. And by clicking not on a MOB, u use just normal STM.

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(Don't know if it's true, but:) As described in a bug report someone said, if doing Ice Meteor by clicken on a MOB, u use twice the STM. And by clicking not on a MOB, u use just normal STM.


potato is right i think

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