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level 40 special rings

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Arcane ring and Emperror ring,i have seen these rings for sale in personal shop but never has been see before,

first i think it was a "trap"...a ring with limited use after equip.

Somebody know how drop these rings?

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fill your inventory with pots and leave only 4 slots(little squares) left, then put your ring there. Place another ring on your free ring slot(the quest ring must be in your inv. Then open a trade window with other player and pick your gaunts/brace/boots/orb and place them on the quest ring(it should be in your hand(cursor), then close the trade window.

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He is not asking how drop it from your inventory to the floor. He asked from where these ppl selling got it.



Those rings are quest items. You gain one of them when you finish the Tier-3 quest (lvl 40 quest).

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...Somebody know how drop these rings?


see? he asked how they drop it

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He is not asking how drop it from your inventory to the floor. He asked from where these ppl selling got it.



Those rings are quest items. You gain one of them when you finish the Tier-3 quest (lvl 40 quest).


not sure but I never got a ring when I finished my 4x quest. and you don't have to do the trade method to drop those items. you can just drop them in this server lol

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He is not asking how drop it from your inventory to the floor. He asked from where these ppl selling got it.



Those rings are quest items. You gain one of them when you finish the Tier-3 quest (lvl 40 quest).


is exactly this,but i never got a lv 40 ring at the end of quest :(

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fill your inventory with pots and leave only 4 slots(little squares) left, then put your ring there. Place another ring on your free ring slot(the quest ring must be in your inv. Then open a trade window with other player and pick your gaunts/brace/boots/orb and place them on the quest ring(it should be in your hand(cursor), then close the trade window.


yes this is how drop on the floor,but how got these rings??? *o*

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