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Trine Shield Visual?

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Its just here or Trine shield really have no visual change at all? wtf?  ???

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Really weird.. i would have loved to see the visual.. maybe it will be released soon but still, im glad that sander actually released the skill :)

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this skill still unlock ?


good skill ? bad ? normal?


The skill got released, but there is no visual change atm. I hope GM add it soon.  :-X


Well, since you can't use it while using Maximize, the skill is good for tanker mech and useless to power mechs... Most of mechs uses auto build to hunt, and power build to pvp, the skill is useful just for sod and up with tanker build. I didn't see any feedback from mechs about the use of tanker build at pvp now, and hadn't time to test it. But i assume it is still the same: if you wanna pvp, go for power build.

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Oh ic , but high lvl can have 2 build power and tanker just skill , maximize and metal armor right ?


Yes, high level mechs may be tanker and power at the same time, but you can't active power skills AND tanker skills. You have to decide which skill to use.


Maximize with shield


Yes, maximize with shield is good. but, as i said, you can't use the new skill while using maximize. Even the skill being a "shield skill"...


But this new skill shield i good mech tank in PT Q ct3 , mech is a pretty tanker in my opinion


Yes, this skill is awesome to tank. But JUST to tank. Nobody Hunt as a tanker, and almost nobody make pvp as a tanker, 'cuz power mech is way better.





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