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what is MagicAPT

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MagicAPT it's a mature skill effect that increase your speed training skill abilitie when it is in a value under 100%. Once you already got your skill 100% trained this part of spec is totally useless.  :D Back on our PT old days it was usefull now it doesn't worth.

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ohkito" post="554353" timestamp="1375772030"]

MagicAPT it's a mature skill effect that increase your speed training skill abilitie when it is in a value under 100%. Once you already got your skill 100% trained this part of spec is totally useless.  :D Back on our PT old days it was usefull now it doesn't worth.


hi dohkito  8)

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goods times using the bug in ruinen village to train skills

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goods times using the bug in ruinen village to train skills

bug? what bug? ;D

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Shaman Fighter

goods times using the bug in ruinen village to train skills

bug? what bug? ;D

Is not a bug at all.


Old time we used the Ruinen Bridge to train our skills.We lure some mob from the Forest of Spirits to the brigde.He come until the middle of the bridge then we stay in Ruinen Village map and the mob in Forest of Spirits so when we hit him he will not die.

So we could leave our char with MagicAPT item that give you some % more at your skills (if it was 30% done then using item it add like +20% if I'm not wrong) so it was a good option to train your skills more fast and easy.


But now exist others methods to train it more fast using purple skill crystal.

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magicAPT just speeds up the training progress. For example: 3 hits to gain 1% instead of 5.

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