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Shaman Fighter

Asgard Guild Hall

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Shaman Fighter

Hello everybody,



First of all,

Welcome to Asgard Guild Hall!



I'm Glau from Brazil as some players already know here.I used to be old clan leader from many clans in the old times with my friends too.Some of them already quit but I don't I just got my ass back here.

I'm making the clan Asgard to remember the old times and also have some fun with you guys!


We are many rpt new and old players who want to play friendly and keep having fun in this server, our goals are to play friendly, xp, SoD, pvp, join events and  have a good time, here we have players from many clans who have fought in the past but right now our goal is to enjoy the game we love, together as a clan.Is it a global clan so don't matter where are you from, if you can understand english or some of others language you can join.


Clan Leader: Glau

Char: UaERules


Clan SubLeaders: [Eliot-Ekizde]

Char: [Eliot-Ekizde] / Chitanda


Clan requirements:


-LVL: Warrior Char +135 (ata/as/ks/fs/ps/ms) Magic Char 130 (prs/mgs)

-Active players: we need ppl active for SoD/BC/SW (if you cant go plz tell us).

-Dont have any problem with clannies (if you have some trouble, fight or hate to someone of the clan both must resolve this, we dont want inner fights).

-If you join you have to help clan and clannies as long as possible.

-We dont accept scammers, hackers, etc.

-Follow Realm PT rules and respect staff and gms.



If you want to join Asgard you need to fullfill this questions and if you fits our requirements we will investigate on your history ingame and inforum and if clan and leaders agree and dont have troubles with you, you will be accepted.




Clan request:


1- Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

    Glau / 30 / Brazil / UaERules / 146 / Glau


2- Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

    Glau + Ramon (example)


3- Name your previous clans:

  Clan A, Clan B, Clan C (say the name of clans)


4- Why you want to join?

    Because i like to play SoD/BC/SW and i like the ppl from this clan and want to play along with them.



Also you must answer because that's important.


The current clan name is Asgards because someone is already using it.Probably at mule --;



Some pics from our old times! I am pretty sure many ppl will remember it! <3










Clan UserBar will made by me when I got home.


Also special thanks to my baby Nicole for let me make this <3 thank you nica.I miss you!



E aos Brasileiros que quiserem participar! VOCES SÃO MAIS QUE BEM VINDOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EH NOISSSSSSS



Thank you all and hope we can enjoy this game together <3

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Boa Sorte Galera.

E bom ver voce aqui Glau.


Aki e o antigo Ks -Ophtimus- do U.P.t



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Shaman Fighter

Clan request:


1- Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

    Cristiane / 24 / Brazil /Ata Kapetinha / 133 / KriKa.

                                  Prs  CrisKrika    123  KriKa

2- Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

    No 1 =/ but i know Glau , Ramon and Abdulla


3- Name your previous clans:

  I played only in my owns clan

LoveSoon , AngelOfHell , GreenValley


Keep United, Keep Strong and We will Never Fall!


Welcome! - Bem vinda! :D


Vamo tocar essa porra pra frente! :P

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i Can Join?

Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum

      Mia /  16  / EE.UU  /Pris    /133  /Tequila.

Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

Nobody Was Recommended


Name your previous clans:


No Old Clans

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Shaman Fighter



Please follow the clan guide.



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Shaman Fighter

i Can Join?

Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum

      Mia /  16  / EE.UU  /Pris    /133  /Tequila.

Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

Nobody Was Recommended


Name your previous clans:


No Old Clans


Bienvenido Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Thanks for joining us!

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Shaman Fighter

Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

    Gabriel / 12  /    Brazil  / oAtenaS (PRS)  / 131 / Midnight


Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

Ninguem =P


Name your previous clans:

EnemieZ, IMPACTO & "Apocalypse (Shit U_U)"


Why you want to join?

Novos amigos, novas amizades e tals =P


Me envia PM in-game


UaERules, estou no clan master em Ricarten!


Welcome biba!

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Shaman Fighter

gl Magrelo..  8)




koé bolado  8)

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nome      / Edade / pais / sexo    / char          /

Jeampier/  14    / Peru / hombre / Prs - lvl 124 /

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Shaman Fighter

nome      / Edade / pais / sexo    / char          /

Jeampier/  14    / Peru / hombre / Prs - lvl 124 /


Marica I cannot know who are you in-game if you don't post your in-game name! Anyways if you're in-game send me PM! UaERules

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Shaman Fighter

Nome/Name : Douglas.

Idade/Age : 23 anos.

Pais/Country : Brasil.

Char : - [ U ]chiha.[M]adara-

Spec : KS

Level : 131

Forum : Jigsaw

Quem me recomendou/Who recommended me : Ninguem./No1.

Clan anterior/Previous Clan : Elite.

Porque quero entrar no Clan/Why I want to join : Mais facilidade para encontrar Partys para upar e coisas relacionadas/Vou traduzir isso não .-.


Got it.


Entendo o que você tá sentindo! E seja bem vindo! Me envie PM estou atrás do bau! :)

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Shaman Fighter

This video is made by old member from Asgard.When we're fighting against the VN in the old server from Wartale.



And videos in my OLD  8) char against some friends, I used to be -Amnesia- fighter 142.



Me against my friend Chan:




Nicole you appear in this video!:


BRS pra quem animar um pouco e pra quem gosta:






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Shaman Fighter

Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

    Gabriel / 12  /    Brazil  / oAtenaS (PRS)  / 131 / Midnight


Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

Ninguem =P


Name your previous clans:

EnemieZ, IMPACTO & "Apocalypse (Shit U_U)"


Why you want to join?

Novos amigos, novas amizades e tals =P


Me envia PM depois!


Ai eu te pergunto,



Qual é a cobra que tem 2 ANUS?

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Shaman Fighter

Wartale deleted the old Asgard so now I can use the real name.






and others please send me PM to re-join in the original Asgard!:D



Gracias a Junior for the original clan logo ! :P Now it looks like in the old times!:D

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1- Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

  riece/ 26 / holland / irapebabys / 135/ riece


2- Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

    Glau + Ramon :D


3- Name your previous clans:

  to many lol


4- Why you want to join?

    Because i like to play SoD/BC and i like the ppl from this clan and want to play along with them.

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Shaman Fighter


1- Real Name / Age / Country / Character / LVL / Forum.

  riece/ 26 / holland / irapebabys / 135/ riece


2- Which clan member of Asgard recommend you to join?

    Glau + Ramon :D


3- Name your previous clans:

  to many lol


4- Why you want to join?

    Because i like to play SoD/BC and i like the ppl from this clan and want to play along with them.


2 word for you.


Flikker, Welcome!  ;D



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Wow hahaha..i will tell my friends to join your clan and also someone  play my acc. coz im busy in my work.back old days :) Good luck guys and have fun ;)

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