hiphopboy 1 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 I know PS is suck at hunting in Realmpt but how do you hunt in Ice Mine and Dead Island ? Solo and Party ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rhyax 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 Ps can't hunt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caeuterere 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 PS can't hunt +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JAI 7 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 try using xtals Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Midnight 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 PS can't hunt +2 .-. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fuel 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 Ps can hunt. Cristal + venon spear + cl. yes, i make hunt with ps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shaman Fighter 237 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 I used PS to hunt and its not hard at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffBouvier 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2013 Can with Crystals or you can lock the monsters (against the walls, some roots coming out of the floor and other things) The downside of using crystals is that cost is added to the hunt. The disadvantage of locking mobs is that you lose a lot of time doing it, and if you are using a third eye, would be wasted minutes trying this. Hunting with PS is possible, the bad ... it is not as easy as other chars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lonz 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2013 Can with Crystals or you can lock the monsters (against the walls, some roots coming out of the floor and other things) The downside of using crystals is that cost is added to the hunt. The disadvantage of locking mobs is that you lose a lot of time doing it, and if you are using a third eye, would be wasted minutes trying this. Hunting with PS is possible, the bad ... it is not as easy as other chars. +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiphopboy 1 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 I am back with the old topic How many atk Rating Pike need to hit mobs >80% by CL I tested yesterday in Ice Mine to find the correct build: Atk Rating 2170: Miss a lot, some times I missed 3 continuous CL Atk Rating 2511: Still miss but not over 70% missing chance like 2170 Atk Rate -,.- (It mean Agi need is about 160~200 up to your items O_o) Should we suggest to boost Atk Rating of Atk Rating Mastery more ? (Now is 120% but I think 150%-200% is ok ~_~) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffBouvier 0 Report post Posted September 25, 2013 Increase the AR more is something disadvantageous in the PVP aspect. For that kind of increase, would have to modify that mastery. For example, operating 100% against PJ (PVP), and that the mob is 150% or 200% (Hunt). In other words, would have to operate in a dual way. In my opinion and being a user of the pike, would be too much advantage to the point that unbalance the PVP, only to kill the mobs comfort. At most can be ordered (although it would be an exaggeration) to increase the Venom Spear, to facilitate more the hunt, as we have not even with the "Shadow Clone" that in the future will make it more comfortable the hunt. I have AR 2250, for every 5 CL (5x3 = 15) I have 2-4 hits failed, the remaining are properly accurate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiphopboy 1 Report post Posted September 26, 2013 Increase the AR more is something disadvantageous in the PVP aspect. For that kind of increase, would have to modify that mastery. For example, operating 100% against PJ (PVP), and that the mob is 150% or 200% (Hunt). In other words, would have to operate in a dual way. In my opinion and being a user of the pike, would be too much advantage to the point that unbalance the PVP, only to kill the mobs comfort. At most can be ordered (although it would be an exaggeration) to increase the Venom Spear, to facilitate more the hunt, as we have not even with the "Shadow Clone" that in the future will make it more comfortable the hunt. I have AR 2250, for every 5 CL (5x3 = 15) I have 2-4 hits failed, the remaining are properly accurate. You are right, It's hard to balance PvE and PvP for Pike because the difference DEF/Atk Rating in the 2 zones. Now with 2k2 Atk Rating PK can hit a lot in PvP but not very good in PvE. I saw how the skill Precision of Mech work and I think it's possible to make something like: - Chain Lance, 100% atk rating boost with mobs only OR - Atk Rating Mastery will have more 80% Extra Effect in PvE zone only I will solve the missing issue in PvE of PK. Some ppl said PK should be miss a lot bc of high critical rate. It's nonsense bc PK don't have Weapon Mastery or Buff Dmg skill like the other char (Now with K9 same lvl and items, after buffing God Bless, K9 will have equal max dmg of Pike while min dmg is a lot better). Btw, You are SpiritReaper, right? I remembered I watched your movie in youtube. Impressive (I mean the way u xp PS to 13X, It motivated my PS a lot) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffBouvier 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2013 Yes, it is somewhat difficult to find a harmonious balance. The two options sound good. CL has the additional damage on mobs (although it is impossible to my view, it can be further damage to all types of mobs, would have to suggest a particular class, such as JC has additional damage demons) The AR Mastery, is what I think as a suggestion, and I think if not too much trouble for the ADM design, would be the most perfect order not to unbalance the "PVP" and become easier when going from Hunt. Since ADM is in decision analyzing which option is more in line for this type of character. And yes, I'm SpiritReaper and thank you, with the little time I have now to play, I take that level of achievement, but many achieved this in less than 1 month. (irony) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiphopboy 1 Report post Posted September 30, 2013 Just my testing: PS: Atk Rating about 22xx to 23xx and with CL it is still 22xx to 23xx K9: Atk Rating about 1k8 and with GC, It will be 1800+1800*0.8= 3240 FT: Atk Rating at least 1k8 and with Inner Soul and AC it will be 1800+1800*0.5+320= 3020 I tested and in Ice Mine PK need at least 26xx Atk Rating to get an acceptable hit rate. So I think PK need to boost Atk Rating with mobs more And don't forget to come to this topic and give me +1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riece 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2013 hahaha pike cant hunt what a joke pikes whit crystal hunt perf i use my summer in dl lol hit good yea i mis some but i think if i hit nearly all i will kill mobs faster the as lol so i think its good inaf lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hiphopboy 1 Report post Posted October 22, 2013 @riece: Can you post your stat ? Until now using crystal or pt with pet-having classes like Ata, as is the only viable option for PK to hunt. The issue is seems CL usually only hit 1-2 hit per times and it makes the killing time btw, my stat is Str full Spi 64 Tal 90 Agi 90 Hea 25 With 23xx Atk Rating, still miss alot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fuel 0 Report post Posted October 23, 2013 I know PS is suck at hunting in Realmpt but how do you hunt in Ice Mine and Dead Island ? Solo and Party ? With Scythe!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rcsnellink 0 Report post Posted March 11, 2014 Use xtals ) i have to sell Val , Tulla , Kelv and 120/128 xtals nice to hunt ^^ Sorry to bring this topic up, but I'm wondering: I see hardly any crystals for sale in ric. How do you get them for hunting then? Or do you use crystals from huntress? (they die really fast). Sorry if this is a newb question : ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pedrods 0 Report post Posted January 7, 2015 Just my testing: PS: Atk Rating about 22xx to 23xx and with CL it is still 22xx to 23xx K9: Atk Rating about 1k8 and with GC, It will be 1800+1800*0.8= 3240 FT: Atk Rating at least 1k8 and with Inner Soul and AC it will be 1800+1800*0.5+320= 3020 I tested and in Ice Mine PK need at least 26xx Atk Rating to get an acceptable hit rate. So I think PK need to boost Atk Rating with mobs more And don't forget to come to this topic and give me +1 You are wrong. Gc and Gv add Atack rate of your "current weapon atack rate". For example: Fs with 2200 atk rating(already buffed) and axe with 500 atk rate: 2200+500*0.5= 2450 atack rate this is the right formula. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evildeadss 0 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 i got ps and its is good to kill the problem is dont have pet do tank. make duo with MS,AS or KS and its ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jona2288 115 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 there are many ways to hund for ps i recomend you to show a picture of your sister to the mobs, and then atack from behind when they are doing his things Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[]LoSt°PiKe[] 1 Report post Posted January 15, 2015 Increase the AR more is something disadvantageous in the PVP aspect. For that kind of increase, would have to modify that mastery. For example, operating 100% against PJ (PVP), and that the mob is 150% or 200% (Hunt). In other words, would have to operate in a dual way. In my opinion and being a user of the pike, would be too much advantage to the point that unbalance the PVP, only to kill the mobs comfort. At most can be ordered (although it would be an exaggeration) to increase the Venom Spear, to facilitate more the hunt, as we have not even with the "Shadow Clone" that in the future will make it more comfortable the hunt. I have AR 2250, for every 5 CL (5x3 = 15) I have 2-4 hits failed, the remaining are properly accurate. what drugs you use? omg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites